fredag 2 mars 2007

Busy March

I feel a bit similar to the years when I was teaching and summerholidays were almost over and I was looking at a year of intense teaching ahead of me. Now it's just a matter of seven Fridays, but there will also be a quiz taped at the local tv-station, that we are preparing for right now, and my calendar is filling up. I hope, once the teaching get started, that I'll calm down, right now I suspect the tension prevented me from sleeping again. I don't know if it is in my imagination, or snow falling off the roof, or what, but for the second time I woke up to a noise. Couldn't see anyone outside, although it sounded like it came from there. After tossing and turning for over an hour I decided to start doing something useful - write the blog :), among other things. On the other hand, I don't seem to have much to write about, I guess my energies are more and more turning outward now. Until now everything has been so centered around the house, with more work the focus will change - maybe the blog has served its purpose? I doubt it, but right now the inspiration to write has waned.

6 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Var sak har sin tid...under det första året snurrar allt kring barnet, men sedan börjar man mera fokusera på omvärlden igen. Jag skall tillbaks på jobb till hösten, min lille pojk kommer då att vara knappt 14 månader - får litet ångest då jag tänker på det men samtidigt vet jag att jag skulle bli litet knäpp av att vara hemma en vinter till. Hoppas dock på nån typ av deltidsarrangemang den första tiden!

Det är ju bra att det FINNS jobb, värre är det ju om man skulle vilja jobba men inte ha nåt jobb att gå till :-(.

Anonym sa...

Jag kan bara konstater att vi ha liga väschin i vassit hus...Sjölv har jag havi sprällot i beinin + att ja tråod att ja va ynger än va ja e, så ja va och rännd i en brantan backa me styyrkälkan igår kväll..."svansin" fick se en ordentlig törn som gör se påminnd ideligen, men he jeer vel se så småningom nåo he.Ska pass och på och ta en powernap no iställi:)Jör he to å!

Anonym sa...

Well, I truly believe that your blog has helped you. Perhaps your inspiration is waning because your energies are being projected elsewhere. Cabin fever comes to mind. All this time, as you have mentioned, your energies have been focused on the remodeling of your home and the caring for of D. Now you are starting to get work so you begin to concentrate on those aspects where as before you had that time free to let your mind roam. Nerves can be the reason for restless sleep. You have had a lot on your mind and now things will begin to fall into place. I have inspiration to write in my blog but am too tired from working to do it...and a little lazy ;-) Expressing your feelings and inner thoughts openly helps to quell the tension and anxiety. I think you have done a good job thus far and hope you continue to do so even if it is not so often. That, in itself, will be a good sign :)

Anonym sa...

Har ni kollat på teletubbies ännu? fick tag i en kasset och vilgot är helt såld. Är som fastlimmad framför tv:n när jag sätter på den. Men endast kort stund och bara ibland! :) vill ju inte ha en 9 månaders som e tv beroende!
Hoppas du orkar fast du sover dåligt. Och hoppas att du trvis bra med jobbet när du kommer igång. Börjar jobba i höst och ser nog egentligen fram emot det ren. Blir härligt att få nya söta elever att ta hand om.

Jemayá sa...

Britt-Marie: Bra att du sa detdär om jobb - jag har ju egentligen inget jobb att gå till eftersom jag är frilans och borde ju egentligen tänka på att uppehålla jag får bara lita på att det också finns jobb ännu om några år!

Matt: I've noticed a kind of wave-movement with the blogwriting-inspiration! I do think I'll continue with it, but like you said, maybe not so often in the future. Today (=Monday) I already feel more energetic and less anxious about work, I guess I experienced "end-of-holiday"-jitters (same as cabin fever? Never heard that expression!), even if there hasn't been a "holiday" as such. Christina also told me there was a full moon - I should've known, that always affects me!

Linda: jo, vi tittar allt emellanåt. D orkar inte heller koncentrera sig så länge, men har nog fnittrat till någon gång! Lycka till med skolstarten - jag har undervisat tillräckligt länge i "mitt tidigare liv", så nu skulle jag bara vilja koncentrera mig på min egen lilla "elev" :)

Anonym sa...

The full moon affects me as well. I am a moon child, if one believes in astrology. I sometimes get in a blue mood but it is also a period of time that I can be most creative in writing poems! As for cabin fever I'll give a link to some definitions. When I was in the military in Alaska we were lectured on cabin fever. Since Alaska sits on the same latitude as Finland, pretty much, one knows that the further one goes north the darker a day remains during winter. People generally don't venture outside when it is dark and cold so they stay cooped up inside and end up getting anxiety attacks as well as depressed. There are other things that contribute to this term as well.