tisdag 6 mars 2007


Today D moved from the livingroom to the kitchen - basically he pulled himself forward on the elbows. When he reached the kitchen where my mother sat she said: "that's exactly how you did it as well". Amazing, my little baby is more and more becoming a little boy! In the weekend he also managed to open a door in the bookcase, and inspected the contents very carefully, pulling things out one by one. But I was happy to noticed that he also put them back in :)...apart from some screws he found. Those I had to remove from his menu.

4 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Bravo D!! Och du Ulla kommer snart att bli varse att man ska ha ögon både fram och bak -- på samma gång!

Behöver D underhållas nångång då du vill och shoppa för dig själv här i stan så vet du var du kan dumpa honom!

Hälsningar från Ejdevägen

Anonym sa...

Cool !! Now the fun really begins! So much to do, so much to see before mama catches me :) To help in child-proofing, place yourself down to D's level and make your way around the house. You will see things in much different perspective. Yes, screws do not digest very well but plant soil seems to do just fine :) Sliding doors are fun and can keep a child busy for some time until fingers get caught. Don't know how many times my boys experienced this. I guess they enjoyed the pain? Scary thought! Hey! Can I send my two to your place and have D teach them how to put things back? :)

Anonym sa...

jättekul att han börjat röra på sig. Nu får du börja plocka undan farliga grejor. Det finns massor i ett hem. Ha det så bra i Jeppo.

Jemayá sa...

Ejdevägen: hittills tycks ju D tycka att det är skoj att shoppa, satt ju och skrattade vid kassan sist! Men har funderat på att gå på en behandling hos B-M, då kunde jag behöva få "dumpa" honom - vi hörs!

Matt: Yes, I think I'd better crawl through the house to see the dangers! But it is an exciting time - both for him and me!

Anonym: man vågar inte ens tänka på allt farligt man har här hemma! Måste nog se till att jag har ett öga på honom hela tiden!