Today I made a decision - I've had two blogs, not writing much in either of them. Now I've decided to join both of them together here. Since I don't have many readers anyway, it doesn't really matter what I do :). But for some reason I've hidden away a bit the part of me which is very interested in spiritual matters, even if most of the books I read are about personal growth, angels, etc. The funny thing is also that at the same time when I wrote in the other blog that I won't write there anymore, I listened to
(thank you to "My Green blog" for posting such interesting links always - and having a beautiful blog!) and the spriritual card she picked for this week was about "revealing yourself, show the world your inner truth", etc (in the middle of the video) - and this is what I'm doing right now!!
Every week I read channelled messages about the changes going on in the world etc. So it is a big part of me. And it shouldn't be tucked away. So I'll try to bring all aspects of me into this blog - the mundane and the other dimension. I want to symbolize that by posting two things now, first of all a picture, which has been following me for the past eleven years, I think. It's a picture that is hanging in my bedroom, painted by Sarita Vahtera. I think I was freshly separated when I attended a new age event in Helsinki (probably late Fall 2001). I was just leaving when Sarita's paintings caught my eye and I bought this one. She was really nice to talk to and blessed the picture, and it has reminded me of who I can be during the years when I've been feeling low.
The second link is to another important side of me - connected to the picture :). The love of salsa and dancing. This is one of the bands that was playing on the cruise I went on two weeks ago (more about that two posts below). I talked and danced with the guy playing the trumpet :) (which I've, by the way, played myself for a few years as a teenager!)
Whew, now I've spent hours writing here - the rest of the day, until D gets back tonight at 7 pm I'm going read, right now I'm reading Vladimir Megrés books. I'm not sure if I "believe" in them or not, but the message, basically "we have to take better care of nature" etc, is one I totally agree with and the books are interesting.
Last night I went out to a restaurant for a 7 course dinner (small courses :). mobilephoto f one of them :D) with 11 other members of "fotoklickarna", the photoclub I belong to. We celebrated the sales of our book "Nykarleby 365", which has gone really well. I stated looking for a link to the book, but can't find it, so maybe I haven't even written about it here?! Anyway, it was a project that took a year, every photographer was in charge of about two days per month .
(ps. kan någon berätta hur jag får videona att synas på bloggen och inte bara länkadressen :(?)