söndag 15 april 2012

Easter traditions

D wanted to be an Easter rabbit again this year. I tried to  convince him a witch would be nice (=easier) but he said: " I feel in my heart I don't want to be a witch", so rabbit it was!). On Easter Saturday children here go from house to house and get candy. I still take him and we visit neighbors and godparents and my mother's friends. Unfortunately I had a slight temperature, so we just sent a photo to a few once, but managed to visit five families :). 

We first went to the shop to get some chokolate eggs (that is what the bunny brings, isn't it :)?), there we met a small witch :). I was a big witch (even if I've gained weight again, I don't weigh 100 kilos yet...which I look like in the photo in the middle :). 
In the evening we had our traditional Easter bonfire with  our neighbours and friends. Normally at this time of year, I've cleared the garden of dry grass, branches etc, but this year there was still too much snow. But the neighbour's boys had branches to burn, so we had a nice one anyway. 

Usually I try to visualize burning up all sorrows from the past years in the flames reaching up to the spring sky.  

D was happy with people around (unfortunately no other kids...well, 12-year old, but  that's now quite the same....) . Still ,we had a really, really nice Saturday - then I was knocked out for two days after (same energy low/temperature), but on Tuesday I was fit for work again. Hooray!

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