söndag 15 april 2012

All of me!

Today I made a decision - I've had two blogs, not writing much in either of them. Now I've decided to join both of them together here.  Since I don't have many readers anyway, it doesn't really matter what I do :). But for some reason I've hidden away a bit the part of me which is very interested in spiritual matters, even if most of the books I read are about personal growth, angels, etc. The funny thing is also that at the same time when I wrote in the other blog that I won't write there anymore, I listened to

(thank you to "My Green blog" for posting such interesting links always - and having a beautiful blog!) and the spriritual card she picked for this week was about "revealing yourself, show the world your inner truth", etc (in the middle of the video) - and this is what I'm doing right now!!

Every week I read channelled messages about the changes going on in the world etc. So it is a big part of me. And it shouldn't be tucked away. So I'll try to bring all aspects of me into this blog - the mundane and the other dimension. I want to symbolize that by posting two things now, first of all a picture, which has been following me for the past eleven years, I think. It's a picture that is hanging in my bedroom, painted by Sarita Vahtera. I think I was freshly separated when I attended a new age event in Helsinki (probably late Fall 2001). I was just leaving when Sarita's paintings caught my eye and I bought this one. She was really nice to talk to and blessed the picture, and it has reminded me of who I can be during the years when I've been feeling low. 

The second link is to another important side of me - connected to the picture :). The love of salsa and dancing. This is one of the bands that was playing on the cruise I went on two weeks ago (more about that two posts below). I talked and danced with the guy playing the trumpet :) (which I've, by the way, played myself for a few years as a teenager!)

Whew, now I've spent hours writing here - the rest of the day, until D gets back tonight at 7 pm I'm going read, right now I'm reading Vladimir Megrés books. I'm not sure if I "believe" in them  or not, but the message, basically "we have to take better care of nature" etc, is one I totally agree with and the books are interesting. 

Last night I went out to a restaurant for a 7 course dinner (small courses :). mobilephoto f one of them :D) with  11 other members of "fotoklickarna", the photoclub I belong to. We celebrated the sales of our book "Nykarleby 365",  which has gone really well. I stated looking for a link to the book, but can't find it, so maybe I haven't even written about it here?! Anyway, it was a project that took a year, every photographer was in charge of about two days per month .  

Outside it's gray/rainy, so I'm just going to relax for the rest of the day, since I got home rather late....
(ps. kan någon berätta hur jag får videona att synas på bloggen och inte bara länkadressen :(?)

3 kommentarer:

Pia - My Green Blog sa...

Ett beslut som är helt i tiden. Det är dags nu. Anar att det känns bra för dig. Härligt att läsa dina tankar.
Lycka och hälsa önskar jag dig. Ha en skön vår!
Tack för att du länkade till mig :D

Pia - My Green Blog sa...

Just det...glömde berätta hur man lägger in koden för videon.
I You Tube finns en knapp Share. Klicka på den och klicka för Long link. Kopiera koden. Gå till ditt inlägg i Blogger och klicka på ikonen som ser ut som en svart fyrkant som har med film att göra som heter Infoga en video (sjätte från höger).
Klicka på Från You Tube. Klistra in koden och klicka på förstoringsglaset till höger. En lista visas. Klicka på rätt alternativ och klicka Välj.
Man kan säkert göra på många olika sätt men detta har funkat för mig. Lycka till!

Jemayá sa...

Tack Pia!