I've still had problems settling into life....haven't felt comfortable to work at home, have felt anxiety and nervousness. I complained on facebook about the lack of flow in my life and was immediately reminded by friends there to go within. I'm in the lucky position that I could actually listen to the advice - I switched off the phone, went upstairs to my guestroom (previously office), lit some candles, put on some calming music and tried to meditate. Also had a look at my tarot cards - and found my way back "in" again. Calmed, in other words, down. On Thursday qigong-practise began in the evening and that felt very good - I've actually done some of the exercises in the morning - have gotten back into the habit of getting to bed early and waking up at 5.30...which I don't like, I don't need to get up that early, especially not now when it doesn't get light until about seven. A few weeks ago it was ok to go for a walk before D woke up, but I don't want to walk in the dark.
Last weekend I went to the south of Finland to see the man I met on the cruise. The weekend was both good and bad - it's not so easy at this age, with the baggage we both have, to trust each other, to adjust....so at this moment I don't know where we actually stand. Also if I'm going to continue seeing him, I need to adjust my rhythm, he works nights and has a hard time getting into another kind of rhythm during the weekends. I joked we are a bit like two characters from a Finnish children's song: "Päivänsäde ja Mennikäinen" (about a creature living in the daylight meeting another creature who cannot stand the light, but lives in the night :) . I have recognized I have so many fears connected to men - I have all these dramas going on in my head, that have nothing to do with this man. On the other hand, I don't know him either yet. After last weekend I also noticed that I had once again let a man be the center of my universe - which is not a good thing, either for a relationship or myself. So I think I've moved back into myself now, enjoying what I have without him.
The really positive thing is that I've found a group of divorced women who sometimes meet. I was able to attend a "gathering/party/ last night for a few hours (my son was home this weekend) and I'm so happy to know that I have someone to contact if i'm alone during a weekend. In the summer I thought I'd be tired for a long time - the intense weeks after my mother's funeral, with friends and the trip, erased to tiredness and now I want ACTION when I'm off :). And I don't have enough work to keep me busy - or, maybe I should be honest, I haven't been able to focus on the jobs that require my own activity and creativity. On Friday I for the first time felt like I was getting into a good rhythm, teaching at first (English) for two hours, then two interviews for local tv (which has now started after the long summer break). I also notice I now have the energy to get in touch with friends I haven't been in touch with for a long time.
Jeppo was visited by a circus from Germany. I took one of my ex-"guardian children" to the circus, together with her children and D. It was really enjoyable, not always perfect, but authentic :).
During the pause the children could ride the horses. |
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Love this picture, but I'm also aware of weirdos (took me some time to be able to block out certain parts and didn't notice the spelling error until after....).... |
4 kommentarer:
Vad glad jag blir av att höra att du hittat ett bra nätverk. Tror det är superviktigt för att man ska orka och må för att må bra!
Sedan ÄR det knepigt med nya dejter i vuxen ålder såklart. Det är annorlunda och med åren har man formats så mycket och har säkert svårare att "omformas" eller ska jag kanske säga att man är lite mindre flexibel än när man var yngre. Dessutom har ju många barn och det kräver också andra saker än när man var ung och barnfri. Hoppas ändå att du kan hitta en man att må bra tillsammans med så småningom. Om det är denna eller någon annan får vi väl se då.
Fotot på killarna är UNDERBAR!!!! Men jag förstår om du "censurerade" den.
Både du, han och förhållandet förtjänar en chans. Bagage har vi alla men även när det gäller förhållanden blir resultatet det man VÄLJER. Let go of your ego, let go of fear and old patterns. Tillåt dig att känna. Känna med hela hjärtat, kroppen och själen. Sedan ordnar sig alla detaljer också så småningom.
The German men from the circus don't look real excited about their jobs!
I hope you keep finding positive energy to keep you moving forward. We are having the same old problems with my first born and school...namely math. I felt like giving up (at least) twice last week.
Saltis: jo, det är helt annorlunda nu, mera dåliga erfarneheter och försiktighet från förr, å andra sidan är trycket att hitta en "far till mina barn" borta, då vi båda har det från förr och inte vill ha fler. Vet jag inte om jag ens skulle klara av ett riktigt nära förhållande, bo tillsammans etc, detta skulle vara perfekt, egna liv, men tillräcklig kontakt mellan varven ändå. Men måste sätta is i hatten,s e vad som händer! kram!
Pia: det är just det - jag blev så fruktansvärt sårad i äktenskapet, som ju till största delen byggde på falskhet. Nu litar jag inte på mina egna känslor - kan jag lita på vad jag känner, eller är det igen en illusion jag försöker bygga något på. inte lätt :(. kram!
JJ: Sorry to hear about your problems. Would it be possible to get a tutor, maybe an older student to help out with maths? Sounds like you do need some help!! Keep my fingers crossed you find a solution!!
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