fredag 23 december 2011

Merry Christmas!!!

At first I thought I'll just buy cards this year, had no motivation, nor ideas about how to make my own cards. But then suddenly one day when I lit the white lantern I got an idea - and voilá, we had photos to choose from this year as well :). They are taken in our yard, the barn (where my parents had their cattle) in the background. Unfortunately we didn't have snow yet at the beginning of December when I took the photos. 

I wish all of you who visit my blog

A Christmastime filled with warmth, caring and sharing; 
a time to relax and be with loved ones.

Merry Christmas!! 

torsdag 22 december 2011

Soon it's Christmas...

I had ordered too few postcards this year, but found out how to make my own ones and print them out. Took som more time, though....

Last Saturday we had an Afghani "pre-christmas party". I have been a guardian for  the two boys in the sofa with D (actually still for the younger one until his family arrives). It's nice for D to have big boys for company :), and nicer for me to keep in touch this way.   

New traditions: normally the Christmastree has always been brought in the day before the 24th , but now I decided we need new traditions. I had the boys help me carry in the tree and put it in a different place altogether. 

Two Ulla + D. We are both also "supportpersons" for a refugeefamily, who also  were invited (have to  respect the women's wish to be anonymous)

We sent the boys upstairs, so the girls could help out with the tree :). 

Santa's helper also turned up. Unfortunately he couldn't find his normal hat, but his more oriental look was quite suitable in this company :)

I look slightly crazy :)

Exotic elf :)

Nice to relax with friends 

I think it says: I love you Ulla :)

I just talked to the older boy and he will probably spend the 24th with us. He also spent  last Christmas here as well, he is almost like a son to me and it'll be nice now to have one more person in the house. It would've been very lonely to only be with D, my mother's absence would've been felt more strongly then. On the 25th D goes to his dad and I hope to have a really quiet and meditative evening on my own then.

When I was thinking about the Christmas holidays this fall I was worried that I would feel really lonely and anxious, but now I'm just tired and glad to have a break and let everything sink in, and gather strength for next year, which I do think has to be a much easier and more positive year than this one. 


Jag är för det mesta en handlingens kvinna. Jag lider inte i det tysta, mår jag dåligt, är trött, lessen, sur etc etc så vet de flesta om det, men det är likadant om jag mår bra - livet är till för att delas med någon, och för mig har bloggen och mer och mer på senaste året - fb - blivit en räddning. Ska försöka börja skriva lite mera här, tror att det kommer att göra mig gott och bära mig bättre över acceptansen av att nu "på riktigt" leva som ensamförälder.

Vilket inte betyder att jag planerar att göra det för evigt -  nämligen detta att fortsätta som singel :). Jag har studerat febrilt de senaste veckorna, försöker förstå varför jag dras till de män som inte riktigt är bra partners. Och varför jag inte lyckats få till det speciellt många gånger här i livet. Och tyvärr är det nog så att vi går tillbaka till min pappa, som inte förmådde visa uppskattning och kärlek till "sina kvinnor". Som 16-åring höll jag på att svimma när jag skulle på klassresa till Paris och pappa sa: "sköt om dig". Det var det snällaste han sagt sen jag blev tonåring! Kommer ihåg att jag skrev i dagboken att jag kände mig som en möbel i huset, han visste jag fanns men noterade mig inte desto mera. Det gör inte gott för en flickas självkänsla. Han betedde sig inte speciellt bra mot min mamma heller. Nu efteråt, som vuxen, förstår jag bättre deras förhållande, men då tog jag på mig rollen som mammas försvarare (verbalt) och var ständigt i gräl med pappa över hans respektlösa beteende mot henne. Samtidigt tyckte jag hon var svag som inte stod på sig mot honom. Jag tror detta har gjort att jag har fallit för män som har svårt att visa känslor - ofta charmiga på ytan, men problemfyllda undertill. Det verkar också som om jag varit rädd att bli kär - utomlands har det alltid lätt hänt, eftersom jag egentligen inte behövt vara rädd för att "bli bunden" som jag tyckte mamma var.

Nu hoppas jag verkligen gå till botten med mina egna problem och mönster och vara mera aktsam nästa gång jag blir känslomässigt involverad med någon. Jag har faktiskt haft kontaktannonser på gång igen, fast jag redan en gång svor: "ska jag träffa någon så ska det vara "live"." Men det känns så hopplöst här i trakten, då det inte finns ställen att gå till i denna ålder. Det har inte "nappat" på nätet heller, men vet att jag ju inte är mogen för något alls ännu i detta skede. Lite balsam på såren ger det förstås att man får lite uppmärksamhet där. jag har beställt två av John Grays böcker på nätet idag, så jag kan strecka under och riktigt fördjupa mig i relevanta partier - och göra övningar, typ skriva brev till någon man kanske inte rett upp allt med ännu. Har några brev att skriva ännu.....

torsdag 15 december 2011

Anyone here...?

According to my visitor list, people still pop in here, even if I've hardly written at all during the past months. Is the list cheating...? PLEASE say at least HI or comment something if you come in here regularly - maybe that could give me the motivation to start writing more regularly again. Thank you!

Getting closer...

I've had a period when I've been really low and without energy. Mostly heartache, since I was dumped rather brutally - not letting someone know what is going on is really cruel. After about a week and a half I realized what had happened. That the relationship I thought was deepening, was actually suddenly over. When I let that sink in I think I've also finally landed in my new situation without my mother. A kind of mini-depression came  over me, but for the past week I've felt energies wake up again and have been able look forward. I wanted to go abroad over the New Year's, but haven't found any last minute-trips, so I guess we'll try to make the best of staying at home. I do need to rest, though, so that'll be nice. It'll be wonderful to  turn the page and start a new, fresh year as well, filled with new possibilities - this has been such a hard year.

With son we're trying to make the best of the Christmas holidays - I've been dreading it and hoping we'd get visitors, like D's grandparents from his father's side, but there is illness in their family, so they will most probably not come. I've invited my "extended family-member" - one of the boys I worked with until he turned 18, he is a good friend and we'll enjoy having him here on the 24th, which is the main day here. That's when Santa comes with the presents :). On our Independence Day on the 6th of Dec we baked gingerbread (from ready-made dough). .

To make it a bit more interesting we made D's favorite as well - an Angry Bird :)

For the Lucia-celebration on the 13th , D was one of Santa's helpers. He's changed a lot  this fall and  is coming up with all kinds of things...."he has become a 6-year old" they said at daycare :). (He is 5,5 now)

D to the right with one of his best friends. 


Finally I've realized a dream I've had for years and years - to make postcards out of my photos. It has been quite a struggle to go through all the steps needed, since I've had to learn everything from scratch, but now these postcards are for sale in a few places here in Jeppo. Now I know I can do it, so now I can start printing more cards (and improve these ones ) :) :).