fredag 23 december 2011

Merry Christmas!!!

At first I thought I'll just buy cards this year, had no motivation, nor ideas about how to make my own cards. But then suddenly one day when I lit the white lantern I got an idea - and voilá, we had photos to choose from this year as well :). They are taken in our yard, the barn (where my parents had their cattle) in the background. Unfortunately we didn't have snow yet at the beginning of December when I took the photos. 

I wish all of you who visit my blog

A Christmastime filled with warmth, caring and sharing; 
a time to relax and be with loved ones.

Merry Christmas!! 

5 kommentarer:

ingeborg sa...

Ha en riktigt fin jul ni med och vilken söt tomte!

Annika sa...

God Jul!
Och vilken fin tomte och fina bilder.

Jemayá sa...

kramar :)

Anonym sa...

D is a great model!

Jemayá sa...

JJ: He's had a lot of practice :)