torsdag 22 december 2011

Soon it's Christmas...

I had ordered too few postcards this year, but found out how to make my own ones and print them out. Took som more time, though....

Last Saturday we had an Afghani "pre-christmas party". I have been a guardian for  the two boys in the sofa with D (actually still for the younger one until his family arrives). It's nice for D to have big boys for company :), and nicer for me to keep in touch this way.   

New traditions: normally the Christmastree has always been brought in the day before the 24th , but now I decided we need new traditions. I had the boys help me carry in the tree and put it in a different place altogether. 

Two Ulla + D. We are both also "supportpersons" for a refugeefamily, who also  were invited (have to  respect the women's wish to be anonymous)

We sent the boys upstairs, so the girls could help out with the tree :). 

Santa's helper also turned up. Unfortunately he couldn't find his normal hat, but his more oriental look was quite suitable in this company :)

I look slightly crazy :)

Exotic elf :)

Nice to relax with friends 

I think it says: I love you Ulla :)

I just talked to the older boy and he will probably spend the 24th with us. He also spent  last Christmas here as well, he is almost like a son to me and it'll be nice now to have one more person in the house. It would've been very lonely to only be with D, my mother's absence would've been felt more strongly then. On the 25th D goes to his dad and I hope to have a really quiet and meditative evening on my own then.

When I was thinking about the Christmas holidays this fall I was worried that I would feel really lonely and anxious, but now I'm just tired and glad to have a break and let everything sink in, and gather strength for next year, which I do think has to be a much easier and more positive year than this one. 

4 kommentarer:

Saltistjejen sa...

Vilka härliga bilder!!! Tycker ni verkar ha supermysigt såhär inför jul.
Ang inlägget om dig själv och din analys av varför du dras till "fel" män så kanske det skulle hjälpa om du kunde prata med någon proffesionell också? Vet inte, men hittar man ngn bra så kan det vara hur värdefullt som helst.
Hoppas nu ni får en riktigt fin och skön jul!!!!

Anonym sa...

love and best wishes to you. have a very merry christmas.

Anonym sa...

And i love the pic of you where you "look slightly crazy". I am familiar with the look and feeling!

Jemayá sa...

Saltis: jag tänkte faktiskt på det då jag var som mest nere, men nu mår jag annars bra och vet att det är långa köer till terpeuter och folk med allvarliga problem som behöver hjälp. Men jag ska försöka hitta alternativa terapeuter, för det är rätt mycket jag borde rätta till, har jag tyvärr märkt :(. Men i varje fall har jag kommit en bit på väg. Stor kram till dig - ha en riktigt, riktigt skön jultid!!

JJ: :) - I barely made it out of the shower before the first guests arrived and never had time to dry my hair, so I didn't exactly look my best during the evening :). Typical me - I had all day to clean the house, but did it veeery, very slowly and in the end had to rush like crazy :). Merry Christmas to you all!!!