It's been three days now since I say My, two days ago I saw the black Tomcat, which seems to live in our barn, in our yard. I'm sure he's killed her, otherwise she would've come to see her sister. I don't think Fia has touched her - she has had the opportunity before, and not taken it. Once she jumped into their pen and they sniffed each other and were all calm and friendly. Fia really looked like she understood they were family. The worst part is that I don't know for sure what happened to her.
I lay awake last night thinking about what to do. I had read on the internet that a rabbit really needs a companion and my aim has been to have happy rabbits....who get exercise and have space and possibility to do "rabbit-things", like dig in the dirt. Seems to have been very naive, since they probably would've started digging themselves out next. But I can't stand seeing a sad and depressed little creature locked into a small cage - not when the animal is in my care . But right now I'm not sure I have the energy to find a new one, and then "train" them to get along.Doris' other sisters have already been sold, it won't be so easy to put two strangers together. On the other hand, there is not much choice. I was thinking about giving her away, but on the other hand I've enjoyed having more animals at home, even if I'm fed up with them taking advantage of my efforts to give them freedom... And even if D didn't spend much time with them, he doesn't want me to give Doris away.
So (sigh) - does anyone have a friendly female rabbit to give away (have already spent a fair bit of money on them, wouldn't like to pay much anymore....)? Or know of anyone who has? Pls get in touch in that case!
5 kommentarer:
lessamt att My inte dykt upp... Tereses kompis Sanne lär ha 7 kaninungar, kanske inte alla är bortlovade...
Det var tråkigt men sådant som händer ibland :( Det är inte ditt fel!
Oj nej! Stackars er. Jag känner igen den där oron och omsorgen om de kära djuren. Det är så villkorslös kärlek man har till dem och man känner sig så hjälplös när något händer.
Kom ihåg, det är inte ditt fel. Livet och döden mellan liven har sin egen gång och du kan inte påverka det.
Stor kram :)
Kjell? : antar att jag borde ge det lite tid nu, i desperationen över att det blev som det blev, kan det hända att jag gör lite förhastade saker, men i princip är jag intresserad, ifall de har extra så småningom!
Anna: jag önskar att det skulle sluta hända mig - jag skulle behöva lite kontinuitet och inga ytterligare sorger :(.
Pia: tack för de vänliga orden! Jag antar att jag i något skede får en förklaring. Känns bara trist - nu är vi två ensamma tjejer i hushållet igen :(
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