söndag 26 december 2010

Rabbit babies

With rabbits your life never becomes boring....Just when I thought I had everything settled, the next surprise turned up... A few weeks back I decided to try to insulate Doris' and Ellen's "house" a bit more, since the extreme cold was just continuing and even in the barn temperature was dropping below -10. I tried to get the roof off and while I was at it two rabbits babies suddenly fell out! I was, as you can imagine, quite stunned! There was nothing else to do but quickly put them back into the warmth of the "house", go in and call the vet - still wasn't sure who was mum an
d who was dad, even if I had my suspicions. The next day me and D went out when there was a bit more light, so I could pick the babies out and see how many there were - four! A few days after, I carried the babies into our cool laundry room and after a bit of work, had both adult rabbits in a box and off to the vet we went. As I had suspected, Ellen turned out to be Elmer and got his balls removed, poor thing. The problem was, the vet told me, he could not go back with Doris and her babies. She would probably attack him, since he smelled differently and then he might also kill the small ones. He slept all the way home and ended up in the laundry room. After three days of pondering what to do, I decided he could stay inside with us. I was too lazy to start building another pen in the barn for him (well I still had to do it inside, but it's warmer there!) and besides, he has been the frightened one from the beginning, so I thought it might be good for him to get more used to humans. After a week now, he isn't as afraid anymore, I even get to scratch him a bit, soon I'm planning to take him in my lap (I know he won't like it, but tough!) :)

So now we have six rabbits in the barn, and one inside. At the end of January, I have to separate the males from the rest (how the h... will I know which one is which!! Tried to look already, but no idea!) and have thought about bringing him/them inside then. They are so incredibly cute right now and I was actually thinking of bringing the whole family in, but then Maya would be left alone in the barn (she is in a separate pen, since Doris was bullying her - now I understand why, she wanted her boyfriend to herself!) and I don't want to bring her inside as well! And since it's so much warmer inside, they'd have to stay here until April, maybe, whereas if they stay in the barn, I can take them outside in March, when the really cold days should be over. But it's really a shame, it's not nice to sit for long in the cold barn with them and right now they'd need a lot of human contact, so they don't become scared of humans...Let's see if I still change my mind...

3 kommentarer:

Saltistjejen sa...

Å vad söta de är!!! Och du att skilja hannar från honor är inte lätt. Hoppas du lyckas för annars blir det kasnke lite väl många kaniner?! ;-)
Stor kram och God Fortsättning!!

Anna, Fair and True sa...

Vilka söta!

Christina sa...

Dom växer, så det knakar ser jag! Lycka till!