onsdag 1 december 2010

How are the rabbits? :)

I think a lot of people are sighing when I go on about my rabbits, but for some reason I can't rest until I know they are fine - even if they are a pain in the butt and not nice to me at all, run at any sign from me that I want to pet them (well, sometimes when they've just received something yummy they can stay put for a while...). I've been worrying that it's too cold for them outside - we have already had a week of around - 20 degrees. Well, today it was - 6, which felt really warm :). Anyway, I moved the rabbits into the barn ("cowshed"..hmmm, not sure about the right word) and hoped they would all three get along, since they spend a lot of time on each side of the "net" between them outside. But no, D found a ball of black hair almost immediately - Doris had bitten Maya first thing and Maya was just running around trying to find somewhere to hide, even from her own sister Ellen. So, out Maya went for still another night, until I had time the next day to put up a net between the rabbits inside.

I was furious with them - they are causing me so much extra work. I also needed a warmer "house" for Maya who was alone, finally my neighbour had time to make one, for me it would've taken days and I would've been a nervous wreck. It's been even -10 in the barn as well, so if it gets to be so cold again for a long period, I plan to but in a radiator. People say rabbits have survived even - 30 outside. I just think rabbits are not endemic to Finland, they probably come from somewhere south-central Europe, where it seldom gets to be much below around - 5. So I don't want my rabbits to just make it through the winter, I want them to be comfortable.

And I guess, they are doing me a favour - I suspect they are helping me focus on something else than the constant "remember to do this, do that etc etc" which goes on in my head otherwise. When I worry about the rabbits, it's just them, and it's somehow easier to handle and I get more fresh air feeding them every day. So even if they are not affectionate to me, they are very important! Which means I really, really want them to be comfortable!

(last photo - D and Pekka had to help as well. You can also see the state of the rest of the barn here :(. I will never run out of things to do in this place)

5 kommentarer:

Saltistjejen sa...

Du pysslar så mycket med dina kaniner men jag tycker det är fint!!! :-) Du är bar en sådan person vet du. En som vill att ALLA i din omgivning ska ha det bra.
Det är en gåva att vara en sådan personlighet! var stolt över det! :-)

Ann-Marie sa...

Bra att du vet att det är ngn nytta för dig med kaninerna också!! (annat att tänka på, frisk luft) för mig är det trädgården. Så länge det bara går gräver jag och donar där. Det är min terapi, jumppa och frisk luft! Jag borde ha ngt motsvarande på vintern...men jag ska inte skaffa kaniner :)
Våra bekanta har haft kaniner "nästan" utomhus flere år; kunde kolla hur de har löst det om jag minns...

Blir din mamma ledsen om du måste skicka henne till ngt "hem" eller förstår hon dig? Hoppas det!

Jemayá sa...

Saltis: vad du är gullig, tack för de snälla orden! kram!!

Ann-marie: jag har också haft trädgården, men med barn har jag inte haft tid till att göra så mycket där de senaste somrarna, kaniner är D också lite intresserad av :). mamma är inte dement och eftersom hon känner sig dålig, vet hon nog att hon måste vara någonstans där hon får omvårdnad. Men vi hoppas på att hon skulle få mera lugn period än! kram!!

Ann-Marie sa...

När mina barn var i Ds ålder hann jag inte med trädgården alls som jag ville heller men det är ju faktiskt så att det blir annorlunda då de blir större. Då kanske vi borde ha haft kaniner :)

Skönt att din mamma förstår. Hoppas läget stabiliserar sig för henne.

Anonym sa...

and now you have baby rabbits! Your home (for people) is looking cozy if I can judge correcty from D's pictures! Julie