söndag 21 augusti 2011

Sea, Stockholm, Helsinki, garden :)

 On the 12th of August we finally could start off on our little miniholidaytour to Stockholm and Helsinki. I had originally planned to go in June, but couldn't find anyone to join me and since my mother was getting worse, I felt it was better I stayed in the area. But now the time and company was right. In the picture we are at the railwaystation, D in front and his friend W next to me. We took the train to Helsinki, had some time to visit a playground, before heading for the boat. It was so great to be two moms - we could take turns being with the kids.

(again can't get the photos and texts like I want them to and don't want to waste time struggling with it...!)

D was terrified at first to walk up to deck - the cruiseships between Finland and Sweden are really big. It was lovely to stand on deck and look at my old hometown Helsinki (well, lived there for six years, and from the schoolwindows, where I then worked, I could see these boats coming in and going out, so it was just next door to the harbour!). 

My friend L with the boys
(If you click on the collage, you'll be able to see it in slightly bigger format)
In Stockholm me and the boys went to "Junibacken" (while  L saw a friend) - a kind of  house for games etc and a storytrain, where you could sit and be guided through many of the stories the Swedish storyteller Astrid Lindgren had created. The place was packed with people - we spent three hours there, so it was actually quite hard work to keep track of two eager boys among all the people. But they had a great time and afterwards L took them to the Aquarium and I had some time for myself in town. On the ferry there was plenty to do for the boys... First night I went to bed at the same time with the boys and Linda went dancing, second night it was my turn to go and have some fun. And indeed I had - my goal was to at least talk to man, and that goal was reached ;).

In Helsinki my friend met us in the harbour and we spent three more nights at different friends' places. It was perfect - the boat was mostly for the kids and there were timetables, tickets, meals etc to keep track of, but in Helsinki me and D were taken care of, picked up, fed etc :). Then I could relax and it was so great to see friends again. 
And this is what Saturday evening on the boat led to...not one, but two glasses of bubbly in the sun yesterday here at home :) :). Too early to tell more, but suffice it to say I feel really amazed and happy at the moment! It is like I've stepped back into the current of life, with all its risks, but also heightened sense of being alive! Next week we'll see if I can switch on workmode as well.....

3 kommentarer:

Annika sa...

Men vad roligt att en kryssning kan ge sådant resultat. DET har det ju gjort många ggr förr. Min syster träffade sin man på en kryssning sthlm-Hfors!!
Så det händer nog ofta, ofta.
Spännande och roligt!!
Hoppas att det gått bra!!
Det var ju ett tag sen du skrev här.
KUL för er att komma ut en sväng.

Jemayá sa...

Hej Annika1 Kul att höra från dig också! Jag har lite tappat gnistan med bloggen, det blir så lite kommentarer mera - förstås också för att jag helt enkelt inte orkade skriva då när mamma var sjuk. Jag har lite återgått till det ursprungliga nu - skriver för att själv komma ihåg vad som hänt. Med "Vikingmannen" står det lite stilla nu - han bor i södra Finland, så vi får se om/hur det blir. Är i varje fall så glad att jag faktiskt blev väldigt förtjust i någon - första gången på länge, länge! Rapporterar i något skede ;). kramar!

Anonym sa...

Bra grejer från din jemaya.blogspot.com, man. Ive läst dina grejer innan och du är alldeles för häftigt. Jag älskar det youve fick här, älska det du är sagt och hur du säger det. Du gör det underhållande och du fortfarande lyckas hålla det smart. Jag väntar cant för att läsa mer från dig. Detta är verkligen en bra blogg.