tisdag 30 augusti 2011

Life now

During the past weeks I've been doing a lot of clearing out my mother's things and clothes and moved my  "office"/workroom downstairs into her bedroom. This weekend the room finally was finished - Fia helped as well :). 

D's passion this summer was Angry birds....it has been a good babysitter, when I simply didn't have the energy to  find things for him to do. 

The garden has liked the hot and humid weather :). 

I think I told you I let the rabbits lose almost two months ago - I had four on the run and one in the cage....And since the two boys are castrated, I hope there won't be an increase in the amount, rather the opposite...This morning there were still at least four left - I just heard a red fow has been spotted many mornings crossing the road to our house....Elsa was the only one I didn't see in the morning. She hurt her front paw in July - I took her to the vet, who suspected it was a nerve injury. She didn't seem to suffer from it, even if she couldn't use the paw, but I'm afraid she might not be able to outrun a fox....

Lately I've started to wake up very early. Maybe a sign that I'm not so tired anymore - I get by with the normal amount of sleep. Usually I've gone to bed with D already around 9/10 in the evening, but I think I need to train him to get to sleep without me. It would be lovely to be able to watch some tv at night and even if it's nice to have time for myself in the morning to go for a walk, for instance, getting up at five is already a bit exaggerated....This morning I rushed back in to get the camera when I saw a really beautiful sunrise, but the clouds had already covered it when I got back outside. I still brought my camera along for the walk and managed just about to capture fleeing cranes in the morning fog. Autumn is here, even if it's still warm.

I still haven't quite got my act together with work - especially not the writing. A two month break isn't very good for the flow. On the other hand, I've felt I need to clear/clean and re-organize the house to fit our new situation, before I have the peace and quiet to sit down and work. I'm almost there now...And on Friday I start teaching a course in English for 16-year old art students, so that should give me a kickstart into the workmode again!

6 kommentarer:

Saltistjejen sa...

Å jag har inte riktigt hunnit att kommentera tidigare nu under sommaren. Särksilt inte när jag var i Sverige. Men nu vill jag säga att jag tycker ni verkar haft en fin sommar trots att jag förstår att sorgen efter din mamma säkert fortfarande färgar din vardag. Vackra bilder bjuder du på som vanligt!!! :-)
Hoppas nu att du kommer igång bra med jobbandet också. Tror kanske ändå det var bra för dig med ett avbrott för att återhämta dig samt samla ny energi!

Annika sa...

Fina bilder från din by.
Säger som Saltis, bra med avbrott för dig.
OCH, ja...angry birds är ju totalt beroendeframkallande så jag förstår D :)

Anonym sa...

It's nice to read from your blog! I think Autumn is starting to settle in Michigan too. It's almost time for the business of school again. When will D start school? Next year? It is almost 12:00 noon here and my kids are still sleeping. Getting up early next week for school will be hard on them! jj

ulrika v sa...

Härliga bilder Ulla - och en text som andas frid. Jag får känslan av att det verkligen är höst, en tid att stanna upp, let go och låta den klara luften fylla en. Rensar också hemma - och organiserar om. Vill lämna lite på hälft, liksom renoveringen. Some day.... Kram ulrika v

Anonym sa...

det är så roligt att läsa din blogg igen. Har inte kunnat göra det på länge nu, om jag försöker från min jobbdator så kommer det ett jättemörkt filter över sidan, så jag ser inte texten (säkert nåt med inställningarna i datorn, men när man är såuslig på sånt här så får jag det inte fixat).
Jätteskönt att läsa att du kunnat gå vidare och så småningom kommer in i rutiner igen. Underbart vackra bilder som vanligt. Kramar från Hyvinge ö. Kiika

Ann-Marie sa...

Fina bilder igen!
ha det bra!