tisdag 7 februari 2012


Elmer doesn't seem to mind the cold (last week we had - 31 one early morning), yesterday was  "warm": - 8, but  -  18 right now again :( . 

My only remaining rabbits :(, Maya (black) and Elmer, sister and brother. 

Elmer chewing his salad :)
Pretty Maya.

This is what it looked like in the autumn, and these are the rabbits we had at the beginning of this year. I found Leo under our neighbour's car a week ago,. He looked like he was sleeping and I had a hard time believing he was actually dead, since he was still warm and I couldn't see any sign of damage. I don't know what happened, but I think he was pushed by their other car, it had left about twenty minutes before. His girlfriend (and sister) Olga hasn't been seen for a long time, so I'm sure she is dead as well. Maybe he died of a broken heart...Olda was my favorite, since she was so calm, she didn't bother running away when I came close. We were able to pat her, the others mostly run away, unless I have food, then they might allow me to touch them when they're busy eating.

Even if I knew this would happen, I still miss seeing them in my yard. Olga and Leo as well, were more "sociable" than their parents Maya and Elmer. But I hope they'll survive the winter and move into Leo's territory behind our barn - there they wouldn't disturb our neighbour and could live a nice rabbit life in the grass and have shelter underneath the barn.

R.I.P in rabbit heaven, Olga and Leo
 (this was their way of greeting each other , rubbing scent onto the other's head, claiming ownership). 

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