I think this is what most of you have been waiting for - news about the little one! He is getting to be so big!! Proud mummy thinks he has been developing a lot lately, he can now turn the page - likes to read books, gets so excited, his hands shake and he makes "uh" sounds when he sees colorful figuers on the pages. In the morning he often says "pa-pa-pa" when he wakes. I've tried to say: "No, say MAMMA", but he continues"ba-ba-ba" :). He still doesn't crawl, but moves around in a circle on the floor, but when he lifts his upperbody, he does it so high he's almost on his knees, so I expect him to start any day now. He's started to sleep better during the nights, now he wakes up about two times per night before 6/7 o'clock, so I have hopes of soooon sleeping whole nights.
Today he has been such a good boy - in a very good mood, and falling asleep calmly at 10 and 2 (the normal times) and sleeping for almost two hours at a time. I had a friend over and could talk undisturbed for such a long time, it was so nice! My mother said he maybe can feel her and me calming down after all the tension during the past weeks. Maybe, maybe not, but I'm sure he has been able to feel it. I've been so incredibly tired during the past days. Probably because the tension was released after the
good talk with Mr X on Saturday. Last night was the first night in many weeks that I slept very soundly in between the feedings. I hope to soon get the energy to start thinking of how to train the little one out of the night-feeding habits. But I don't feel it's a big problem at the moment. Now we're all just going to enjoy these days of peace - and getting the house ready for the little one's first Christmas.
Today he has been such a good boy - in a very good mood, and falling asleep calmly at 10 and 2 (the normal times) and sleeping for almost two hours at a time. I had a friend over and could talk undisturbed for such a long time, it was so nice! My mother said he maybe can feel her and me calming down after all the tension during the past weeks. Maybe, maybe not, but I'm sure he has been able to feel it. I've been so incredibly tired during the past days. Probably because the tension was released after the
This photo is very fresh - Daniel likes his advent calendar, this morning he thought it tasted very nicely (thanks K!) :)
2 kommentarer:
Blir jag den första att kommentera? Gör det på svenska för annars tar det alltför länge, såpass rostig är min engelska. Fräscht att läsa lite engelska ändå mellan varven. Vad stor D ser ut, så lång! Härligt om han börjat sova så regelbundet på dagarna och i tre pass nätter. Lilleman här hemma gör också det nu, sover en tur på eftermiddagarna ca 2h och så i 3h pass på nätterna, men än tänker jag inte sluta amma ;) Å här sa han ma-ma-ma ma-ma i morse och jag försökte tydliggöra det till mamma och min mor hakade genast på och försökte få honom att säga mommo ;) De är för härliga när de pratar och berättar villt gestikulerande!
Hurraaa, kommentarer, funderade redan om det är något fel någonstans!!!
"Skärikika" (så var det visst?): Kram till Lilleman - skönt att höra att han inte heller vill vara ifrån mammas varma, goda mjölk på natten :). Hoppas du orkar ändå - det låter det ju som. kramar!
Ejdevägen: varsågod, tack för julbrevet - vad tösen är söt (hälsa gärna det!) o pojken stor!!
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