I have all kinds of plans - more roses, don't have many of those. Maybe an arch-kind of thing, I mean where you pass through and somekind of plant (rose I'm thinking) will grow on it. (Er, that's not for the little one...that's only for me :). Then it would be fun to maybe make some wooden flowerpots, and paint them in strong colors...and also drag old things, like a bike, into some corner and use it as a flowerpot... Like I already mentioned, I'll move some bushes later (they bloom quite early, so I'll let them do that first) and also raspberries, which have moved themselves to better places in the garden, now they'll be put to a good but more suitable spot, in order to create a future footballfield for D :).
An inventory about winterdamage had both good and bad news - a rabbit had eaten the appletree D got for his birthday. I was so upset when I noticed this, especially since it was my own fault. I had protected the trunk, but noticed that because there was so much snow, it didn't reach high enough. At that moment I didn't take the time to cover the tree"baby", and then it was too late. But then my mother said: "well, rabbits need to eat as well", and for some reason it comforted me to think the poor famished furry thing survived the cold thanks to the juicy young treebark...so I'll plant a new D-appletree. And cover it next winter, properly. The good news was that the water-lily in the pond had survived. Since it didn't bloom last year, I didn't bother to take it inside for the winter, even if I new the pond is not deep enough and will freeze to the bottom in the winter. But maybe because the coldspell was fairly short, the lily had survived. Now I gave it a bit of soil and hope it'll give us a beautiful, out-of-this-world-white flower in the summer!
5 kommentarer:
Härligt att läsa om din trädgård! Fick två kanadensiska rosor av min man i fjol, tyvärr har den ena tydligen dött (av röta tror jag), men den andra verkar vara på gång! Kul, har inte varit inne på rosor tidigare då det är så kärvt klimat här ute på slätten i Vörå men nu funderar jag på några till...
Av någon orsak har inte jag heller varit så intresserad av dem utomhus (taggar...?), fast jag alltid uppskattat att få dem, men nu kom jag på ett perfekt ställe, och de är ju nog såååå vackra!!
Vau, vilken fin blogg du har, ljust, luftigt och fint.
Det börjar faktiskt klia i fingrarna när det blir varmt, fastän jag inte är någon "viherpeukalo". Det är ganska skönt att peta i jorden när det är soligt och varmt och fåglarna sjunger för fullt. Nu har vi ett fasan-par som skriker på granntomten, dom har även kollat vår gård, men troligtvis är vi för noisiga, så dom håller sig på granntomten där ingen bor. Vi har många rosor i vår trädgård och det är ganska tacksamt och vackert hela sommaren. HOppas du och D hinner komma o hälsa på i sommar. H. Kiika
Hej farmer Brown! ;-) Ever since I can remember I have always loved plants. I probably got this way from my grandmother. When I used to stay with the folks during the summer I would be out in the yard every evening helping her weed and water the plants. Grandpa would be irrigating the lawn with his large, black hose that pumped water from the creek out behind the place. Those evenings were special for me. I learned a lot about what they were and when they bloomed, etc. Luckily, Grandpa liked flowers too, so did his horse and a few cows. Once in awhile they would stretch their necks over the fence to eat off the tops of the flowers. I think D has a great opportunity here to get acquainted with the garden. I had two favorite flowers that my grandmother had. One were my grandpa's favorite and those were Pansies (Orvokki) and the other was the Bleeding Heart bush. I am proud to say I have both in my yard now. Nice to hear that the rabbit survived the winter! ;-)
Kiika: jag tror inte jag ger mig ut på några långturer i sommar, kanske mot hösten. Hoppas ni hinner komma och hälsa på i stället!
Matti: thanks for your nice comment again :)
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