söndag 27 maj 2007

Sunny days

Again a week swished by - computer is beginning not to be at the top of the list of favorite things to do when I have a few minutes! It doesn't stand a chance to the garden at the moment! D has had irregular sleeping times, often waking up rather early, so there hasn't been time in the morning either (except today...) and in the daytime I've been outside, when D sleeps, and sometimes with him when he is awake. He loves it outside, gets upset if I bring him in too soon. The problem is only that he likes small stones - in his mouth :(. He still doesn't walk, so he is unfortunately a bit too close to the gravel. And since it's been raining on and off a lot lately, the grass has been too wet for him to crawl on. But he likes his swing, he has also taken a liking to the sand in the sand-pit (hasn't eaten, phew!) and one sunny day when I just couldn't stop planting, I brought out the "walkingchair", which he hasn't been in for months. That was perfect, he could move, but couldn't reach the lovely small stones on the ground :).

We've also had visits by girls, L and her mom came one morning, and that same evening when I took D for a walk to the river (he loved the mud and water that had gathered on a rock) and were swinging in the garden afterwards, E dropped in on a bikingtour with her mom. Friday he got his first walkingshoes when I had a "Visa-day" (thank God for Visa :) in town and yesterday we were at a 40th birthday. Busy, but good week! In the evenings he often likes to fall asleep in my lap now. I hope it doesn't get to be a habit, but since there is a lot of action in the daytime, I guess it is a way for him to wind down and feel secure....today no program, nice as well :). Sun is shining, so I suspect we will be a lot outside, surprise, surprise!

5 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Ah Spring and Summer, don't you just love it! How well is D's room kept dark? My two would get up with the birds during summer months because it was always light out. In fact as they became older they would use it as an excuse not to go to bed because it wasn't dark yet! Sweet D falls asleep in your lap. Cherish it! I want to be doing garden work but have an infected right wrist so very limited movement for a week :-( But I can sit on the balcony or terrace and watch T in the garden ;-)

Anonym sa...

Det är som du skriver Ulla, trädgården är nog det som drar mest denhär tiden på året :-), och speciellt när det är en så vacker dag som den vi haft idag! Jag läser fortfarande regelbundet om ditt och D:s liv och gläds över att ni har det bra!

Anonym sa...

B gillar också sin gunga, vi har funderat hur länge han sku kunna sitta där om han sku få. B blir också arg då han måste komma in, och vilket temperament han fått, ojojoj vad vi ska få stångas i framtiden!

B´s mamma, bloggen.fi/trollmamman

Jemayá sa...

Hi Matt! Sorry to hear about your wrist, hope you take full advantage of it and rest (at your age, with 18-year old boy, heheh...no, sorrry about that, I should have counted and realized the boys can't be as old as I wrote in the comment :)!) - and enjoy just sitting and taking in all the beauty around as now! I just hung up thick extra curtains in the bedroom - D seems to sleep even if it's light, but I can't when the sun hits my face at 5 in the morning!

Tack Marianne för att du alltid är så positiv, jag blir alltid glad över dina kommentarer!

Trollmamma: alltid emellanåt tänker jag på er, hur vi ska hinna träffas! Som du läst är det trädgården som gäller nu, men jag känner att ivern börjar avmattas något - då gräsmattsklippningssäsongen börjar, har värsta ivern redan lagt sig. På sommaren bryr jag mig inte mera om att gräva etc, då vill jag bara njuta av blommorna! Kanske vi skulle lyckas få till en träff snart (efter all studentståhej - vi har 5 studenter i släkt/vänkretsen!). Hit är ni alltid välkomna!!

Anonym sa...

hejsan! jag har satt "kurabyxor" på Vilgot så han ändå kan vara på marken när det är lite blött. Det där med att äta sten och allt annat är också pop här. Men ute är vi iaf mycket. Datorn blir verkligen lidande men så ska det väl vara också! :) regniga dagar hinner nog komma ännu!