fredag 30 november 2007


Once in a while I get a message from friends abroad that they looked at photos in my blog "but couldn't understand what I wrote" - this is for you. With comments in my blog in English, there will be more posts in English - it's as simple as that :)!

Since people seemed to like my previous photos, I got encouraged to take more! The one to the left is from the same day, today it's been very, very dark. But fortunately we've reached the time of the year when iwe're "allowed" to put up Xmas decorations. I'll start when D wakes up! I try to be outside with him in the "morning" (we've become very lazy....aren't ready to go outside until about 11 o'clock! And then it's soon lunchtime!). I'm so glad we have snow, there is more to do outside, and it brightens up the days when there is no sun. But of course I have something to complain about as well...there are no hills! I've been desperately trying to find a small hill for D and his "pulka " (=the small red thing he sits on). Finally I had to try to build one in the yard. I guess it's an ok size for D, but it's not a very practical one, since I have to lift him up to the "top" and he is down in one blink! In the top photo, where the trees are, there is a river. The riverbank is quite steep, but when I was small, we slid down it with plastic sacks filled with straw (those were the best ones!). But that was quite hazardous, and far too steep for D. The river is also quite dangerous. There is quite a strong stream and the ice doesn't get thick enough to walk on until it's been very, very cold for a long time. So I think we'll stay clear of the river for as long as it's possible. Oh well, when there will be more snow I'll try to build a bigger hill in another place in our yard.

3 kommentarer:

Annika sa...

Ja, Ulla! Dina bilder älskar jag!!! ÄLSKAR!! Ser så underbart vintrigt och mysigt ut. Gillar sparken!
Så vi vill ha mer bilder! Alltid :-)))

Anonym sa...

Jag förstår att det kan vara svårt att åka pulka om man inte har några backar. Hur bygger man en då? Det ska ju ganska mycket snö till för att få en hel hög med hårdpackad snö. Det kanske går att bygga en redan på sommaren, med stenbumlingar och jord?

Jemayá sa...

Uppmuntran gör så gott :), direkt vill jag börja fotografera mera, mera :). Tack Annika!

Matilda - jo, jag antar att att om man var riktigt ambitiös skulle man kunna bygga en backe redan på sommaren, men jag tänkte nog mera på att bara packa snö, t.ex. då det ramlat ner från uthustaket. Då har jag redan en bra början!