När sonen kom hem efter veckoslutet var det också goodbye med den goda nattsömnen. Jösses vad han tvinnade runt i sängen förra natten och till sist när jag mer eller mindre fick en rak höger i ansiktet fick han höra vad jag ansåg om hans sängmanéer. Märkte då att vi ju är på väg mot fullmåne igen, så det kanske påverkade - och han höll sig på sin sida och sov lite lugnare efter den nattliga tillsägelsen. När jag hämtade honom från dagis i dag fick jag höra att han kastat upp på lunchen - blev lite shockad, borde jag inte ha hämtat hem honom...? Men jag visste ju inte att han blivit dålig. Här hemma märkte jag att han hade feber, så det förklarade också den oroliga natten.
Tyvärr tickar min deadline närmare och närmare och i dag på eftermiddagen då jag skulle skriva, var jag helt enkelt tvungen att gå och lägga mig, det gick inte att skriva, jag var för trött. Nå, i morgon måste jag stanna hemma med sonen och får då några timmar på förmiddagen (hoppeligen...), så jag borde klara av det. Av tre artiklar har jag en klar, en halvfärdig och en på råkopia-stadiet. I morgon borde jag dessutom åka iväg och göra sista intervjun (fick lite extratid för att skriva den klar). Jag hoppas jag kan lämna D med mormor så länge. Hon fick näsblod i dag...jag hoppas verkligen hon inte smittats av alla bobbor i omlopp i hushållet :(.
Trots att man ju inte precis kan säga att jag har "flow" just nu, så har jag i varje fall inte samma panikkänsla inombords som förra veckan då det kändes som om allt jag borde göra bara staplades på varandra och jag inte hann med något alls. Veckoslutet var super - på söndagen var jag till och med så energisk så jag fick en artikel klar, äntligen dammsög bilen, kollade lufttryck, planterade om de sista blommorna (det har varit ett projekt jag började med för flera veckor sen men inte hann få klart...) och kunde städa undan krukor och mull. Tänk vad några timmar energi kan hjälpa mycket! Hoppas i morgon blir en energisk dag!!
måndag 26 april 2010
söndag 25 april 2010
Busy, busy, busy
Again there has been a period when I haven't quite been there myself, due to the fact that it simply has been too much. The main culprit was the weekend of work at the tv-station two weeks ago and it was unlucky that the weekend after also was booked - I attended lectures on Friday and Saturday last weekend for guardians of minor asylumseekers. I hadn't planned it this way, but the tv-weekend was moved from its original date due to one of the camerawomen - and then she hadn't even been told about the new date, so we were in panic at first, where to find a new one at such short notice.
At the end of last week I also found out our drainage was frozen - the sewage was filled with water. That was a bit too much for me, I had no idea how to open the frozen pipe (and where it exactly was...) and I had no time nor energy for it - right now I'm in the middle of writing articles for a magazine (this is a re-occurring job every spring and autumn) as well as the regular job as an assistant in the morning. At the lecture last Saturday I began feeling ill and left for home. I had a babysitter there and asked him to stay so that I could sleep for a while. The rest of the evening I tried to find things for D to do, so that I could lie down as much as possible - I was completely wiped out by a fever, which strangely enough started to go down almost immediately. On Sunday morning there was no fever anymore, just an exhausted feeling. I complained on facebook about the drainage and a few hours the plumber came here and pumped out the water as a first-aid. His wife is my fb-friend and she had passed on the information :). Where else can you get service like this on a Sunday?!
This week I've also had work with asulymseekers - a trip by train with an Afghani boy to the immigrationoffice in Oulu on Monday (the main interview) and a trip to the policestation to find out "my" Somali girl received a four-year residence permit on Thursday. A terrible cold broke out on Tuesday, have hardly been able to breathe, but no fever, so I've had to work. On Friday I was supposed to finish the articles (my own deadline, the real one is next Wednesday...nowadays I prefer not to leave things at the last minute...) but I was simply too tired to do any writing. I took D to his dad in the afternoon and then spent a relaxing hour at the indoor swimmingpool.
I slept for nearly nine hours and dragged myself to qigong and tai chi-training on Saturday morning. Yesterday was an international tai chi/qigong day and I really wanted to join, since I haven't been able to do any qigong at all during the winter (I remember a bit of a series and do it occasionally, but it's not the same when I can't remember the whole thing :( ). I was again convinced qigong is more my sport - I don't like the fact that tai chi is a martial art and the movements are based on an imaginary opponent. I prefer concentrating on the movements solely, not thinking about where the opponents throat is, or how to avoid a kick etc. Anyway, it was nice to do the training and see people I know.
After that I went to have lunch with one of my Afghani boys (the one who had his interview on Monday). On the way I tried to take a photo of some cranes that flew over the road when I passed (unfortunately I only had my small camera). It's lovely to see swans, cranes and smalled "spring birds" all over the fields - life is returning!
This boy has had a really tough upbringing and I'm amazed at how he has managed to survive. He is really motivated to study and it's possible to discuss with him in Finnish already, even if he has only been here for six months now (he has just turned 17). The younger asylumseekers live in more home-like environments, but those over 16 are supposed to be more independent. I've felt I need to be more of a supporting adult for them, especially in the beginning, before they find their own friends and networks.
The weather yesterday was grey and cold and I was really tired when I got home - but since D wasn't home and I finally didn't have any "musts" I simply went to bed and took a nap :). Wonderful! I'm so glad I've been able to sleep well for two nights now. After I finish this I'll work a bit on the articles, to lift a bit of pressure off tomorrow, which is the last day I can work on them (have to do something else on Tuesday afternoon). This has been a strange period - I have so many half-finished things, for instance three "private" articles, which I never have time to finish, and don't even know if I can sell anywhere. But I'm stubborn enough to want to finish them and at least try...if I only had the time to!!
After next week I think things will start to calm down, though. And I'm of course grateful I have had a lot of work - I want to have a proper summer holiday, which means there will be at least two months when I receive very little wages, only the money I get from being my mother's "personal assistant" (don't know the term in English - närståendevårdare), the child allowance and the money D's father pays (he is very reliable, which is a relief). August is always also a month when I usually don't have much work, for instance the local tv-station is still on holidays.
I have no idea what I'll work with in the autumn, though, except for September when I've asked to join in the harvesting of potatoes again. I won't be able to continue as an assistant in preschool (my contract runs out on the 5th of June), since more qualified people will need jobs, but the rest of my part-time jobs are not either enough to support us. But I'm optimistic, things usually work out and at the beginning I'm sure I'll be relieved to be able to managed everything better with less work (until money runs out completely....). It'll be lovely not to have to get up at six every morning :) and maybe I'll be inspired to do some more writing instead...or realize some of the more creative plans I have (there are a few small ones).
At the end of last week I also found out our drainage was frozen - the sewage was filled with water. That was a bit too much for me, I had no idea how to open the frozen pipe (and where it exactly was...) and I had no time nor energy for it - right now I'm in the middle of writing articles for a magazine (this is a re-occurring job every spring and autumn) as well as the regular job as an assistant in the morning. At the lecture last Saturday I began feeling ill and left for home. I had a babysitter there and asked him to stay so that I could sleep for a while. The rest of the evening I tried to find things for D to do, so that I could lie down as much as possible - I was completely wiped out by a fever, which strangely enough started to go down almost immediately. On Sunday morning there was no fever anymore, just an exhausted feeling. I complained on facebook about the drainage and a few hours the plumber came here and pumped out the water as a first-aid. His wife is my fb-friend and she had passed on the information :). Where else can you get service like this on a Sunday?!
This week I've also had work with asulymseekers - a trip by train with an Afghani boy to the immigrationoffice in Oulu on Monday (the main interview) and a trip to the policestation to find out "my" Somali girl received a four-year residence permit on Thursday. A terrible cold broke out on Tuesday, have hardly been able to breathe, but no fever, so I've had to work. On Friday I was supposed to finish the articles (my own deadline, the real one is next Wednesday...nowadays I prefer not to leave things at the last minute...) but I was simply too tired to do any writing. I took D to his dad in the afternoon and then spent a relaxing hour at the indoor swimmingpool.
I slept for nearly nine hours and dragged myself to qigong and tai chi-training on Saturday morning. Yesterday was an international tai chi/qigong day and I really wanted to join, since I haven't been able to do any qigong at all during the winter (I remember a bit of a series and do it occasionally, but it's not the same when I can't remember the whole thing :( ). I was again convinced qigong is more my sport - I don't like the fact that tai chi is a martial art and the movements are based on an imaginary opponent. I prefer concentrating on the movements solely, not thinking about where the opponents throat is, or how to avoid a kick etc. Anyway, it was nice to do the training and see people I know.

This boy has had a really tough upbringing and I'm amazed at how he has managed to survive. He is really motivated to study and it's possible to discuss with him in Finnish already, even if he has only been here for six months now (he has just turned 17). The younger asylumseekers live in more home-like environments, but those over 16 are supposed to be more independent. I've felt I need to be more of a supporting adult for them, especially in the beginning, before they find their own friends and networks.
The weather yesterday was grey and cold and I was really tired when I got home - but since D wasn't home and I finally didn't have any "musts" I simply went to bed and took a nap :). Wonderful! I'm so glad I've been able to sleep well for two nights now. After I finish this I'll work a bit on the articles, to lift a bit of pressure off tomorrow, which is the last day I can work on them (have to do something else on Tuesday afternoon). This has been a strange period - I have so many half-finished things, for instance three "private" articles, which I never have time to finish, and don't even know if I can sell anywhere. But I'm stubborn enough to want to finish them and at least try...if I only had the time to!!
After next week I think things will start to calm down, though. And I'm of course grateful I have had a lot of work - I want to have a proper summer holiday, which means there will be at least two months when I receive very little wages, only the money I get from being my mother's "personal assistant" (don't know the term in English - närståendevårdare), the child allowance and the money D's father pays (he is very reliable, which is a relief). August is always also a month when I usually don't have much work, for instance the local tv-station is still on holidays.
I have no idea what I'll work with in the autumn, though, except for September when I've asked to join in the harvesting of potatoes again. I won't be able to continue as an assistant in preschool (my contract runs out on the 5th of June), since more qualified people will need jobs, but the rest of my part-time jobs are not either enough to support us. But I'm optimistic, things usually work out and at the beginning I'm sure I'll be relieved to be able to managed everything better with less work (until money runs out completely....). It'll be lovely not to have to get up at six every morning :) and maybe I'll be inspired to do some more writing instead...or realize some of the more creative plans I have (there are a few small ones).
Almost four



tisdag 13 april 2010
Är det någon av er bloggare som råkat ut för att ett inlägg verkar locka till sig all möjlig sorts reklam och konstiga meddelanden? Ett inlägg från september i fjol får hela tiden konstiga kommentarer (eg reklam). Försökte nu med att neka kommentarer på det, skulle egentligen ha velat deleta hela inlägget om det skulle ha hjälpt, men kom inte på hur jag skulle göra just då. Trist med sånt.
En annan sak. Har funderat på min blogg - jag tycker om att skriva och visa mina foton, men jag tycker också om feedback. Nu verkar det som om den stora majoriteten av läsare aldrig kommenterar. Jag vill inte skriva personligt och privat för en anonym massa, så jag har funderat på att sätta lösen på bloggen. Har inte hunnit ta reda på hur man gör det, men troligen kommer jag att göra det i sommar då jag antagligen har mera tid för bloggen igen. Återkommer om det!
Jobbade hela veckoslutet - därav mindre inlägg igen. Vi bandade den årliga frågesporten för årskurs 6 vid lokaltv. Nu började också intervjuerna för personaltidningen (glad att jag får lite artiklar att skriva igen!), så det är rätt mycket jobb de närmaste veckorna. På måndagen ska jag igen till Uleåborg med en asylsökare och vill gå på föreläsning fre-lö (för företrädare)...så hör troligen inte av mig här speciellt ofta den närmaste tiden! Ha det bra!
En annan sak. Har funderat på min blogg - jag tycker om att skriva och visa mina foton, men jag tycker också om feedback. Nu verkar det som om den stora majoriteten av läsare aldrig kommenterar. Jag vill inte skriva personligt och privat för en anonym massa, så jag har funderat på att sätta lösen på bloggen. Har inte hunnit ta reda på hur man gör det, men troligen kommer jag att göra det i sommar då jag antagligen har mera tid för bloggen igen. Återkommer om det!
Jobbade hela veckoslutet - därav mindre inlägg igen. Vi bandade den årliga frågesporten för årskurs 6 vid lokaltv. Nu började också intervjuerna för personaltidningen (glad att jag får lite artiklar att skriva igen!), så det är rätt mycket jobb de närmaste veckorna. På måndagen ska jag igen till Uleåborg med en asylsökare och vill gå på föreläsning fre-lö (för företrädare)...så hör troligen inte av mig här speciellt ofta den närmaste tiden! Ha det bra!
måndag 12 april 2010
måndag 5 april 2010
Fick igår meddelande av Ds pappa att han flyttar till Tammerfors. Blev rätt omskakad först, eftersom det ju betyder nyplanering -han bor då tredubbelt längre bort än nu. Men det kanske blir rätt bra ändå, träffarna ändras till var tredje vecka från hösten, men då fyra nätter i ett. Jag får fyra timmar bilsittning de veckosluten - ska skjutsa honom till Seinäjoki (en timme härifrån) och pappan hämtar honom med tåg, kommer med ett, plockar upp sonen och hoppar på nytt tåg som går söderut (en timme med tåg från Seinäjoki). Samma procedur, men tvärtom när D kommer hem igen.
Tror det till och med blir bättre för Ds del - hans vardag rubbas inte så ofta och så hinner han vara ordentligt med pappa, då han en gång far dit. För min del betyder det att jag kanske kan ta en tur till Hfors lite oftare (om jag kanske följer honom till Tfors någon gång), men å andra sidan får jag se hur det går med arbete. Vet ju inte än vad jag jobbar med till hösten, får hoppas att det går att ordna så jag kan åka tidigare de dagar jag ska föra/hämta D. Blir det mindre jobb, så blir det ju inget problem. Min mamma har jag ju hur som helst tänkt får börja mera regelbundet fara på intervallvård - det blir kanske helt bra med vart tredje veckoslut.
Jag tänker fråga pappan om han inte kunde dra ett streck över det som varit (dvs sluta med sitt aviga förhållningssätt till mig), så vi kunde fortsätta på lite vänligare basis framöver. Hur det lyckas, eller om jag ens vågar säga något, får vi se.
Tror det till och med blir bättre för Ds del - hans vardag rubbas inte så ofta och så hinner han vara ordentligt med pappa, då han en gång far dit. För min del betyder det att jag kanske kan ta en tur till Hfors lite oftare (om jag kanske följer honom till Tfors någon gång), men å andra sidan får jag se hur det går med arbete. Vet ju inte än vad jag jobbar med till hösten, får hoppas att det går att ordna så jag kan åka tidigare de dagar jag ska föra/hämta D. Blir det mindre jobb, så blir det ju inget problem. Min mamma har jag ju hur som helst tänkt får börja mera regelbundet fara på intervallvård - det blir kanske helt bra med vart tredje veckoslut.
Jag tänker fråga pappan om han inte kunde dra ett streck över det som varit (dvs sluta med sitt aviga förhållningssätt till mig), så vi kunde fortsätta på lite vänligare basis framöver. Hur det lyckas, eller om jag ens vågar säga något, får vi se.
söndag 4 april 2010
Easter Saturday
(Pls click on the collage, and then once again, to see the photos more closely.)
Comments to the collage: I have cleared a few birds' nesting boxes in the garden and found one nest with a few eggs in. I haven't bothered about making the house look particularly "Easterly", but felt the nest gave that touch to the porch. My favorite eggs are Fazers' Mignon eggs. The chocolate inside the real eggshell is simply divine, unfortunately, I can't resist them!!
I felt a bit lazy on Saturday morning, but decided to dress D into the same "costume" as last winter and visit some neighbours and friends (and getting lots and lots of chocolates again :). When we visited our closest neighbours the men were washing their cars - I joked and said while their at it they could wash my car as well. When we were having lunch (had picked up a pizza from our local café) there was a ring on the door - they were picking up my car so they could wash it. I really have the nicest neighbours!!!
Didn't have time to take many photos in the morning, took one in the afternoon of us in the sofa without the headgear. I'm extremely ugly, but then again I was a witch! In the evening we were invited to dinner to a friend/relative - I was so happy to be included in a "couples"-night, hasn't happened often! It was really, really nice to sit and talk by the table - D was extremely happy to play with tractors + gear, which they had saved (grown up boys already). Unfortunately I had to decline from the continuation of the evening - to sit outside in a "hottub". Thought it might not be equally fun for D as for the grown ups and since there was a "communal" Easterbonfire in the village as well, where I knew at least one of D's friends would be, we headed there. At the dinner party D had been very quiet and concentrated, at the bonfire he was like a different child, running around in the pools with his girldfriend, getting completely dirty and hardly glancing at the bonfire :). Needless to say - he slept very well last night, and this morning - I had time to do zumba in the living room this morning :) :).
I had intended to go to church for once this morning, since it was a "family-service", with D's friends singing, but he opted out at the last moment, so we've had a calm morning at home instead. Inspiration is a strange thing - I started clearing away things instead and am actually thinking about washing windows...le'ts see if my inspiration carries that far!

I felt a bit lazy on Saturday morning, but decided to dress D into the same "costume" as last winter and visit some neighbours and friends (and getting lots and lots of chocolates again :). When we visited our closest neighbours the men were washing their cars - I joked and said while their at it they could wash my car as well. When we were having lunch (had picked up a pizza from our local café) there was a ring on the door - they were picking up my car so they could wash it. I really have the nicest neighbours!!!
Didn't have time to take many photos in the morning, took one in the afternoon of us in the sofa without the headgear. I'm extremely ugly, but then again I was a witch! In the evening we were invited to dinner to a friend/relative - I was so happy to be included in a "couples"-night, hasn't happened often! It was really, really nice to sit and talk by the table - D was extremely happy to play with tractors + gear, which they had saved (grown up boys already). Unfortunately I had to decline from the continuation of the evening - to sit outside in a "hottub". Thought it might not be equally fun for D as for the grown ups and since there was a "communal" Easterbonfire in the village as well, where I knew at least one of D's friends would be, we headed there. At the dinner party D had been very quiet and concentrated, at the bonfire he was like a different child, running around in the pools with his girldfriend, getting completely dirty and hardly glancing at the bonfire :). Needless to say - he slept very well last night, and this morning - I had time to do zumba in the living room this morning :) :).
I had intended to go to church for once this morning, since it was a "family-service", with D's friends singing, but he opted out at the last moment, so we've had a calm morning at home instead. Inspiration is a strange thing - I started clearing away things instead and am actually thinking about washing windows...le'ts see if my inspiration carries that far!
fredag 2 april 2010
A Good Friday
For months we've been trying to get together with a friend with a daughter a year older than D. But lots of work for both mothers and illnesses in both families have prevented it. This morning it finally worked out - and we had such a nice time. Enjoying the last of the snow, D getting soaked in the water. I feel like I have such a long holiday now, with four days of leisure. It began perfectly!

We also grilled some sausages in the garden, with birds singing above in the tree - I think we can finally say - SPRING IS HERE!!!
Comments to the collage: I manage to fall over with my chair, but saved the sausage :) (D's waterbottle in the other hand). D was also so cute when I asked him to stand next to E so I could take a picture - he felt a bit shy :). If you click on the collage once at first, then once again, you should be able to see the photos inside the collage in bigger size.
I talked to an aquaintance in the shop yesterday, both complaining about how hard the winter has been. She said a friend of hers actually almost had a breakdown a few weeks back when it started snowing again. It's strange, but I felt relieved. I have been so worried that I can't handle taking care of everything - because what is the option?! When I heard that someone else was also near breaking-point, I realized this winter has been really hard on everyone, so maybe I'll managed better another w
inter, which hopefully won't be this hard.
Our friends' neighbours' cat has adopted the family and is there almost all the time. Which is nice for the girl, since her mum is allergic and they can't take a cat of their own. I think I'll show the photos to our Fia - she never, ever sits in my lap, this one came voluntarily (even if it looks in the picture like I'm holding poor Rambo very tightly).

When we got home I took a nap as well, which was amazing since D was jumping on top of me all the time :) . What a great start to the Easter holidays!!
ps. Forgot to tell you - my mother came home yesterday, with new medicines once again. Let's keep our fingers crossed that she'll be able to stay fairly healthy now for a long time to come!

We also grilled some sausages in the garden, with birds singing above in the tree - I think we can finally say - SPRING IS HERE!!!



Our friends' neighbours' cat has adopted the family and is there almost all the time. Which is nice for the girl, since her mum is allergic and they can't take a cat of their own. I think I'll show the photos to our Fia - she never, ever sits in my lap, this one came voluntarily (even if it looks in the picture like I'm holding poor Rambo very tightly).

When we got home I took a nap as well, which was amazing since D was jumping on top of me all the time :) . What a great start to the Easter holidays!!
ps. Forgot to tell you - my mother came home yesterday, with new medicines once again. Let's keep our fingers crossed that she'll be able to stay fairly healthy now for a long time to come!
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