söndag 9 maj 2010

Birthday parties

D is with his dad this weekend and I have been relaxing. I was rather tired after the two b-day parties for D.

First one took place on his birthday on Tuesday (he turned four on the fourth)and began rather chaotically. I had by mistake invited one family two hours before the others, so their welcome wasn't too friendly: "why are you here already?!?". I was in the middle of hoovering, hair dirty, sweaty and I hadn't gotten out plates, glasses etc. But the mother of the two boys arriving was really understanding, in fact she helped me get things ready, popping popcorn etc while I finished and had a shower. In fact, it turned out to be just perfect - not too many kids at once. I had invited about 10, but this way it was much better - two first, then when they left four new ones arrived. The rest had flues or had fallen asleep (the youngest invited :). I had time to talk to the mothers and the kids didn't get to be too wild :).

On Wednesday I had invited all my children from the refugee center (four) plus our neighbours and D's godparents. Again, not too many and I didn't get into a panic. But I'll try not to organize the birthday parties in the middle of the week next year - I was too "wound up" in the evenings, couldn't go to bed and as a consequence, was really tired at work the day after....

It was heaven to sink into the warm bubblebath at the indoor swimmingpool on Friday, after I had dropped off D at his dad's. It's actually the last time, in two weeks' time I'll drive south to Seinäjoki (an hour), and his dad will arrive by train to pick him up. They'll take another train south to Tampere (one hour), where the dad will be moving next weekend. It'll be interesting to see how this arrangement will work out. The fact that my mother's relatives live in this direction is a good thing - I'll be able to drop her off on our way to Seinäjoki and pick her up on the way home - it'll be nice for her to get to talk to them more often. I also have plans for the fall - take D by train to Tampere and continue myself to Helsinki to see friends over the weekend at some point!

Yesterday I realized a plan I have had for some time - to take up horsebackriding. It didn't go too well - the horse didn't want to go where I wanted it to. It just followed its owner :( and when I did some trotting I got a headache. I've had this problem at work as well - if I run I also get it. It seems my neck and back are really stiff, immediately when I do something to "shake them up" it results in headache. On Wednesday I'm going to have a massage and hopefully on Friday it'll be better. I also hope I'll get a less stubborn horse then...I can't blame it entirely on the horse, though. I've completely forgotten how you "stear" them :) (it's about 13 years since I rode regularly for one winter). I'll bring D as well and hopefully we'll find a joint hobby in the riding.

Otherwise I've enjoyed having a weekend off - taking care of the household (slowly...), beginning a bit of gardening. Finally yesterday when I went to get the mail the air felt warm, springlike. Today it's raining, but it's a "real" springrain, waking up our nature! Yesterday evening I sat down with a glass of wine in my bedroom, where I had cleaned the windows during the day (hadn't done that for a few years.....), and listened to Seal - and realized I never listen to music when D is home. He doesn't want to listen to "mommy's music". Hmmm, I wonder if I'm raising a dictator, maybe I should put my foot down and make him get used to having to listen to what I want as well! Anyway, it was so relaxing and I so much enjoyed being able to do that.

Today it's Mother's day here in Finland - one of my "children" from the refugee center called to congratulate me, I was really touched. He is very considerate! Actually, I have agreed to be guardian for one more child, an eight-year old girl from Russia, I'm going to meet her for the first time next week. I'm so grateful for this opportunity to have "international contacts" and be part of their lives on a really personal level.

6 kommentarer:

heffamamman sa...

Grattis till 4-åringen! Trevligt med bilder från vattentornet i inlägget innan. Vi har inte varit dit på evigheter. När dottern var liten så hörde också Kovjoki och vattentornet till våra Första maj aktiviteter. Men tyvärr inte längre. Jag hoppas att vi kan åka upp i den skrangliga hissen nån sommardag istället. :)

Annika sa...

Grattis till D!! OCH grattis till DIG på mors dag. Det ar mors dag här i US igår också.
Låter som om du hade en bra helg, skönt.
Med vin och bubbelbad etc.
Bra att det funkar med resorna till och fr Tammerfors.

Anonym sa...

Vilka fina födisbilder. D ser stolt o glad ut, som att han är en av de stora killarna nu ;o)
Va underbart att du får ta del av så många barns liv nu. Och ge av dej själv, du har mycket att ge.Jag är stolt över dej.
Kramsi kram från Tirmos älgskogarna.

Anna, Fair and True sa...

Vad gulligt att han grattade på Mors dag!

Anonym sa...

Ulla, Ulla! You are amazing!

Jemayá sa...

Heffamamman: TAck! Vattentornet är härligt! Och målningen på vägen upp gör ju att småttingar som kanske skulle bli lite skraja inte kommer att tänka på det :)

Annika: tack!! Nästa fredag blir det första gången D åker till Tammerfors, så det blir lite spännande! Men tror nog det blir bra i längden - förra staden var förknippad med så många spända och dåliga minnen för mig, så dethär känns fräscht och nytt :). kramar (efter den 5., då dagisjobbet slutar, hoppas jag hinna läsa din blogg också :)

tirmobruden :): det känns som om jag orkar knyta an bättre till mina Oravaisbarn nu - tror det har att göra med att mamma mår bättre, så jag inte behöver oroa mig för henne. Och förstås, har känt dem en tid nu. Men det jobbet känns jättebra (inte som ett jobb :). kramar!!!

Anna: tycker jag också - sen fick jag ett samtal av den yngre afghanen också, frågade om han blivit uppmanad att ringa och det hade han :). Trevligt att den äldre uppfostrar den yngre :) :)

JJ. I am? :)