tisdag 6 juli 2010

A night in the woods

For a long time, I'm talking about decades, I've had a wish to go to one of our old barns in a field further away in the woods, sleep there and check out the animals. Yesterday I suddenly decided it was time! I have been painting like crazy for the past days, trying to get everything ready until D comes back from his long stay with his dad. I feel a bit guilty, I didn't have much time for him before the stay, it's hard being a full-time mum and trying to renovate, cook etc etc at the same time. I guess renovation always gets on the nerves, whenever you do that.

Anyway, we've had a real heatwave for the past days - I'm talking about temperatures close to + 30, so I've actually just been happy to be inside. Our house is cool in the summer (and cold in the winter :) and I didn't feel like going to the seaside alone. I'm hoping the weather holds for a few days still so I can take D to a proper beach! Yesterday, when I finally finished the painting, I headed to the woods at 7.30 at night. A bit too late, but better than not at all.

First stop was a sandpit, where I made a new friend :). After a quick dip I continued to the field within the woods.

When I was young I used to make hay with my dad and uncle here. We also got hay by tractor in the winter, it was a bit of an adventure, since it's about 9 kilometers from our house. Have to dig out those photos at another time. Now I just wanted to get away from the smell of paint in the house and finally get a bit of me-time. At home I just saw everything that needed to be done - and besides, I had also painted my bed, so I would've had to sleep in another room anyway. Please click twice on the collage - that way you get it enlarged.
At the fields I immediately saw two young moose, running towards me, probably trying to get away from the million of mosquitoes around. I was lucky to be able to creep a bit closer in the cover of some trees - but unfortunately I'd need a bigger objective to get better photos at a distance. I hadn't packed very well, so I had to take two turns to the car to get everything, and on the way back the second time I also snapped photos of grass and flowers when I suddenly felt someone watching - another moose! It really must've wondered what kind of strange creature this is :)! Again I tried to take photos, but it was too far away. Even if I walked to the car and then back, it just stood there watching. I think it was quite a big one.

Then it was time for my humble abode :). I suspect some of you will be shocked to see a person voluntarily wanting to kip in a derelict barn! I had brought a tiny little tent, in case the mosquitos would be really bad, but since I had sprayed on a lot of repellent, I decided to just sleep on the hay left at the bottom of the barn (I had brought a sleepingbag etc). That evening I didn't see anymore big animals (there was a swallow's nest up in the ceiling...) and tried to go to sleep. Not the best nights I've ever had....even if the mosquitoes weren't biting, they kept "zzzzzz-ing", you know the irritating sound..? Then there was a cuckoo calling all through the night :( etc etc. And around 4.30 am I got up with the rest of the birds. I had forgotten my phone in the car and was too tired to walk through the high grass a third time, so I didn't know the time while in the barn.
While sipping my coffee (terrible photo, but I like the colours :) - it became a bit cold during the night) I heard cranes calling far away - and suddenly the answer came, just outside my barn!! I was glad I was already awake, otherwise I would've gotten frightened, it was a really loud sound that close. I crept quickly up and got my camera. If you enlarge (clicking it once, then once again) you will see a crane and its baby almost in the middle. Not a good photo (again), but I was fascinated to see the small ones!). It turned out I had forgotten to change to the better lens in my hurry, if I had, I wouldn't have had any problems getting nice close-ups. The big crane came as close as about 20 meters from where I was standing! My problems with getting control of the art of photography continues :(. Still, the experience was awesome!

There were no moose this morning, so pretty soon I packed up, dragged all the stuff to the car and finished with another dip (at 6 am - hasn't happened before!!) before getting home.

8 kommentarer:

Lena N sa...

Wow, vilken upplevelse det måste ha varit! Man blir alltid så förundrad av naturen - vi lever ju så nära den, men ser så lite av den ändå.

Christina sa...

Säkert en minnesvärd natt:-)

Unknown sa...

oh you have had such an adventure,it was like reading a beautiful story. the description of your experience is so very well done. i wish i could do the same type of thing here....

heffamamman sa...

Vilken äventyrare du är! Du fick verkligen en närstudie av det finländska djurlivet ute i naturen. Coolt! :) Jag är himla morgontrött av mig precis som hela vår barnaskara. Men det är ju just i gryningen som man borde vara ute med kameran för att ta fina bilder. Eller vid solnedgången. Nån gång ska jag försöka stiga upp lika tidigt som solen och fånga fina vyer. Kanske det blir av inom de närmaste tio åren. ;-)

Anna, Fair and True sa...

Låter mysigt men jag skulle nog inte sova ute själv. Iofs är det ju sommar och just men jag är ändå för mörkrädd... :)

ulrika v sa...

Tänk vad du hann uppleva på bara en natt! Och tänk vad mycket vi har alldeles intill oss bara vi ser det! Vi tog oss i går en båttur ut, inte alls långt, men till en ö med klippor. Underbart att kunna sitta och blicka ut över havet, känna solen värma ens kind och ta sig ett svalkande dopp! Det gäller att ta vara på de stunderna - och tillfällena. Härligt och modigt att du gav dig ut en natt! - ulrika (som redan trodde hon kommenterat, men det flög tydligen ut i cyberrymden...)

Jemayá sa...

Lena N: precis - 9 km hemifrån var redan som en annan värld.

Christina:jo, gör inte om den (det går ju att fara hem till natten också)

Champika: thank you, I guess it might be a bit more dangerous over there. We have less deadly insects, snakes etc here!

Heffamamman: jag är ju morgontrött också, men det gick inte att sova där...så jag tror nog dethär var enda chansen att se hur det är på morgonen! Någon gång ska jag satsa på att fara dit tidigare på kvällen och åka hem till natten!

Anna: ja, mörkt var det inte, men rätt tyst blev det faktiskt i ett skede, vilket kändes rätt konstigt efter all fågelsång. Nästan kusligt - men jag hade ju myggorna som sällskap...Funderade om de aldrig sover!

Ulrika: oh, havet. I sommar är nog den avundsvärd som har möjlighet att röra sig vid/på havet!!! Där finns väl inga myggor? Hoppas du fått hämta massor med krafter! kram

ulrika v sa...

Ja, havet är underbart - har alltid älskat det och funnit ro och lugn. Kanske vi kan ta oss en båttur med er ifall ni har vägarna hitåt senare i sommar... Kram