torsdag 3 mars 2011

Fresh air and medal

D hugging the seal we made yesterday. It was supposted to be the Grouch from Moomin, but I'm glad it looks more like a seal :) (wanted this photo last, but couldn't move it anymore...)
Since it was + 3 degrees this morning, I decided it was time for two of our rabbits to move back outside. Yesterday I had time to repair the damages made by the heavy snow and a few days back I finally managed to insulate their "house", so they should be ok outside now, even if it is below zero. My friend, who visited us yesterday, suggested I take them in again, if it looks like it's going to be really cold - that made me decide to bring them outside. It's such a relief!! But now I have a room full of rabbitpoo and straw to clean up. We still have four rabbits in a cage in our porch, but they aren't much trouble, on the contrary, they're so incredibly cute and sweet so I don't know how I'll be able to part with two of them!!

Doris disappeared into the tunnel immediately when she saw me! Just where he is standing the opening to the tunnel is, leading them to the cage in the front yard. They seem very happy to be out in the fresh air!

Then it was time for "Onnnis runda", a ski-event in Nykarleby (20 kms away). I had decided D should attend, even if he hasn't been so keen to ski this winter. But when I tell him "everyone gets a medal", then he wants to ski :).

D and his girldfriend L

Getting acquainted with the skis again (it's been many weeks since last time...)

D's problem is that he doesn't want anyone to pass him, even if he isn't the fastest. Here we were practicing, but when I told him L should go first, since she is fast, he started crying and wouldn't ski for about five minutes....

Waiting in line....

...and GO!

Looking good :)

And the winner is.....;)
After 300 meters - medal!

5 kommentarer:

Saltistjejen sa...

Å vad duktig han är på att åka skidor!!!! :-)
Och så fina bilder!
Jag tycker det är kul att kaninerna har snötunnlar haha!

Den långa vägen sa...

Jag trodde att jag blivit galen idag när jag hörde röster när jag gick ut. Lät precis som på sommaren när det brukar vara idrottstillställningar vid stjärnhallen. Nu fick jag förklaringen varifrån rösterna kom. Och jag kan dra en lättnadens suck. Inga grönklädda män behöver komma och hämta mig med blåljusbilen:)

Tjusiga bilder. Ni hade verkligen tur med vädret.


Annika sa...

Nämen var ROLIGT!!
duktiga skidkillen!!
Vilka jättefina bilder!
OCH grattis igen till att ha en så duktig liten kille på skidor!

Anonym sa...

He is so cute, standing up there like a true Olympian! It looks like you had a beutiful sunny day to play! jj

Anonym sa...

Hip hip hurraa för skidmästaren Daniel!kram fr Katri