fredag 22 april 2011

Happy Easter

Couldn't find a photo of a daffodil, so have to make do with a rabbit - I have plenty of those photos! This is Elmer as a baby, now he's been on the run for more than a week. He hops along in our yard, but always far enough from me - can't even reach him with "a thing you use to lift up a fish you've caught from the water" - couldn't find the word in the dictionary, they suggest "bag", doesn't seem quite right ("håv"). Don't know what to do with him, don't want him to eat the things that start growing in my garden, otherwise I don't actually have a problem with him being on the loose (he is castrated).

I've had a really bad period internally this spring. I've been really, really tired, everything I've had to do has felt like a huge effort, especially here at home. I have, though, managed to do the jobs at hand, especially lately it hasn't been so hard, since it has been interviews and writing, which I like doing a lot. Once I've got going it has felt good - maybe to be away from home and all the musts. My mother has been in hospital over a week now. She got a really bad flu, which isn't good even now. On one hand it was good for me that she has been away, I've had enough to cope with myself lately.

Usually spring is the time when I really come alive, but I suspect that this year I've suffered from what a lot of people get when the light suddenly rushes in in spring - spring "tiredness" (don't know that word in English either, sigh, my languageskills are also rapidly deteriorating...). Very close to depression. For the past days I've started to feel better and can now try to focus on the positive things in my life. During the week I've written almost four articles and started on a lot of columns (I'm supposed to write one per month to our local newspaper), which feels really good. Writing is what I want to do, especially my own texts, but there has been so much going on, I haven't really had the time and quiet time I need for it (and I'm really insecure and afraid of starting it as well!). Now I'm bursting with ideas, but have problems focusing on one thing at a time.

I've also felt very lonely this spring, I'm sure it has to do with the tiredness. Before Easter I was stuck in the thoughts of me not being important enough for anyone to want to spend time with me on weekends or holidays - this is reserved for close friends and family, or families meeting each other, and I don't fit in there, since I don't have a man to bring along (or maybe they just don't like me...). I want people to visit me, at the same time I don't want it since the house is mostly a mess - I don't have the time and energy to keep it in order. And even if I decided I need help with the cleaning, I didn't find anyone until after Easter. I hope, though, that she can start to come on a regular basis. Pity I couldn't find anyone when I was feeling the most exhausted.

One good thing is that this year I have been exercising and just generally "moving" a lot more that before. Yesterday when I picked D up from daycare by bike, we didn't take the straight way home, instead we went around the rivers (about 4 kms), and this morning I went for a walk before he got up (have done that every now and then, just short walks about 3 kms, but much better than nothing at all, and it's a beginning!). I seem to have become a morning person suddenly, mostly I wake up around five the first time, but don't get up until after six.

Now I feel good enough to be able to enjoy the fact that we can take it easy at home, just my son and I. Since my mother is away, we'll also have the freedom to suddenly take off somewhere, I've been thinking of maybe taking him to a indoor pool with slides etc in Vaasa, but we'll see. Maybe I'll have time to clear up inside the house a bit (put away winter clothes and get the summer ones) and do gardening, which always makes me feel better. And today there is actually someone who has taken the time to come and see us :), one of  D's girlfriends with her mum. And, to be honest, we were invited to a dinner on Saturday in Pietarsaari, but  there aren't going to be any other kids, and since on Easter Saturday we usually burn a bonfire, I decided to stay at home, it'd be too much for one day. So, actually, there are people who want to see me on a weekend :). See, I'm starting to feel better  and better!

Happy Easter to you all!!
 (wonder if there are more than just a handful...but grateful that someone at least reads :)

7 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

I think most people just call them "nets". There are butterfly nets and fishing nets. The actual "net" is called mesh and has a handle.

It's a bit confusing because the big fishing nets one puts in the lake or sea have the same name, so one needs to know the context of what one's talking about.

F.d. Matildas fik

Anonym sa...


F.d. Matildas fik

Jemayá sa...

:). Tack, konstigt nog hade de inte "kaninfångar-håv" i ordlistan :), tyckte "net" inte heller lät lämpligt, men nu vet jag bättre! Glad påsk till dig med! Hur har du det så där annars?

Anonym sa...

Jag har det bra, men lider också av enorm trötthet. Det är väl en blandning av klimakteriet, ny blodtrycksmedicin och ålder, särskilt ålder, ha ha ha. Jag tar mig väldigt många tupplurar på helgerna.
Vårtrötthet, förresten, tror jag man kallar "seasonal fatigue".

Saltistjejen sa...

Vad skönt!!!
Det kan vara jättejobbigt med vår på det viset att alla "måsten" plötsligt hopar sig. Man "ska" dessutom känna glädje och lycka över ljuset. Jag tror att sådant kan skapa mycket stress också. Skönt att höra att u börjar må bättre nu iallafall och att du har sådan energi till jobbet också.
Sedan blir jag skitsur över att man inte bjuder in vänner även när de är singlar. Varför inte då undrar jag?!?!? Så trångsynt och fjantigt. Tyvärr vanligare än man kanske tror eller tänker på. Men jag är såååå trött på uttrycket "parmiddagar" vilket känns förlegat och gammeldags!! Hoppas att fler tar initiativet att komma och/eller bjuda er. :-)
Hoppas ni får en fin påsk och du fotot passar ju bra såhär i påskharens tid!

Jemayá sa...

Matilda: lessen att höra :(. Hoppas att du kommer iväg på resan, kanske det piggar upp lite (efter att du klarat av själva resandet.....)

Saltis: det är väl det att jag inte har riktigt nära vänner här på orten. En massa trevliga bekanta nog, skulle jag säga. En vän ser jag som någon som både vill dela med sig och delta i en annans liv och det känns som om alla redan skapat sina vänskapsband innan jag flyttade hit, eller så behöver de inga andra anförtrodda än gubben. Det är inte lätt, tydligen, att hitta vänner mera som vuxen (trodde jag inte innan jag flyttade hit....). De gamla har man växt ifrån och de nya finns någon annanstans :(. Om jag inte hade barn, skulle jag ha flyttat för längesen, eftersom jag känner mig ensam här (det var ju därför jag flyttade som 19-åring också...), men huset och sonen (och förstås mamma) binder mig. Kanske det blir annorlunda med tiden, har ju nu redan börjat röra på mig mera geografiskt. Det är nog förutsättningen för att jag ska orka vidare här.

För tillfället har jag tre kaniner på rymmen - jag blir helt matt - och idag är fyllt av en massa måsten, men sen finns ännu två dagar av fullständig ledighet ännu. Härligt. Hoppas du har en bra påsk! kram!

Anonym sa...

I agree that nets is the word you were looking for.
And I wonder if it is a genetic thing because I do like to have people over but it is a lot of work to get things picked up for company. And then there is always the mess afterwards! You are always welcome to stop by my house as long as you can put up with the clutter!
I sure hope your Mom starts to get better. It is so hard watching our parents age. My Dad turned 80 in April. He is still in good shape and he stays active, but I can see he is slowing down a bit. My Mom has been gone 10 years now. She died in April so Easter is always a little melancholy for me.
Sending prayers of peace and happiness for you! jj