onsdag 17 mars 2010

Finally a good day!!

Wow, what a day I had yesterday! At work we skiied in the sun with the kids - wonderful, just the right temperature + the spring sun. After work I "opened" a birthday present (2,5 months after my bday) - an Indian head massage. That was loooovely, sooo relaxing - tack än Katri!! I even had time afterwards to look at a photo exhibition in the same building, I really enjoyed that in my relaxed state of mind.

Then it was time to pick up my friend from Sri Lanka, who is visiting the area again. And she brought me exciting news - a possibility to work as well...but I'd better not say too much about this, since I don't know all yet - but it would be a welcomed ..fourth, I think, part time job :) !

Today I'm a bit "hung over" - got so excited that I woke up in the middle of the night just thinking about the job (and I drank a coke last night as well.....), have a bit of a problem getting into "afternoon - workmode" at the moment.

3 kommentarer:

Saltistjejen sa...

Sådana där dagar ger en energi som man kan "leva" på ett tag. Underbart!

Annika sa...

Japp, det är vitamininjektioner det.
Glad för din skull!!

Jemayá sa...

TAck Saltis och Annika - det har varit en bra vecka, många vitamininjektioner mentalt, fysiskt mycket spring :). kramar!