tisdag 23 mars 2010

Therapist with no training...

This week I've been able to go home from work at noon and continue with paperwork and phonecalls (work-related) in the afternoon. I have actually started writing a few articles. The problem is that I don't know who will buy them - not the best motivator. I've sent out mails to two papers over a week ago, but they haven't even answered. That is the worst, I begin to feel very small when people don't even bother to send me a "no" - and these are papers/magazines I've written to before. But I find especially one of the themes so important that I'm going to write it anyway and hopefully there will be a paper somewhere out there, which will print it.

There has been a bit of a crisis with one of my refugee-children. Yesterday I quickly had to go to see the child - luckily enough I managed to get a interpreter via the phone, because I really needed to "reach" the person. I had an intense hour, trying to make the person feel hope and give the person a reason not to sink deeper into a depression. Then I had to rush back home to get D from daycare - and decide what to cook for dinner. It was such an uncomfortable contrast, being thrown from a really serious, almost life or death-situation to the normal, very mundane world of mine within a quarter of an hour (I was still informing the personnel at the refugee center on the phone on the way home in the car ). As a guardian I'm alone in the my job - yesterday I really felt I needed to talk to someone about the situation. I was lucky, because a serious talk seemed to be enough, or maybe the crisis was already over - I called to speak to the person today and the person seemed much better. Tonight I received a call from one of the workers at the refugee center. "My child" seems to be back to normal, speaking, eating and going back to school. It's a relief, but at the same time I'm shook up by the responsibility, what if I had chosen the wrong words....I have no training as a psychologist, and that is basically what was required yesterday. Of course I'm happy that I could help this time, but still...

Anyway, today there was no crisis, I could concentrate on the paperwork and in the evening we were invited to a "clothes-party"...don't know what it is called in English. A person was selling children's clothes, but most of the mothers there were those with children around D's age. I really loved seeing everyone again - it's been such a long time since I attended a "mother-children"-meeting. Unfortunately D has caught a cold, so far no fever, but when we got home, he didn't seem well at all, I really hope he'll be ok in the morning - one of the ladies at work is already home with a sick child, now is not the time for me to stay home as well....

6 kommentarer:

Saltistjejen sa...

Å vad otroligt jobbigt med ditt flyktingbarn! Jag hopas verkligen att det kommer att gå bra och att han(hon kommer att komma ur sin depression. Det vore ju bra om ni som stödpersoner också hade möjligheter att rpata med varandra samt professionella terapeuter när sådana här saker händer. För att dels få lasta av sig sina egna tankar och känslor dels få stöd och kanske lite råd om hur ni ska kunna hantera situtationen.
Hoppas även att D snart kryar på sig!

Anna, Fair and True sa...

Ibland kanske inte en psykolog behövs för personen som mår dåligt utan det räcker med en medmänniska. Men man hoppas ju att de ändå har tillgång till det då och då och även att DU har det så att du kan prata av dig. Är detta helt för välgörenhet förresten eller får du betalt för att vara kontaktperson? Du har säkert skrivit om det förut men jag minns inte.


Jemayá sa...

Saltis: oftast blir det kanske inte såhär illa, så det är första gången jag riktigt skulle ha haft behov av prat. Det är en lite konstig sak, att vara företrädare, eftersom vi inte är anställda av förläggningen och bara dyker upp ibland - handledarna som hela tiden har med flyktingarna att göra, brukar inte riktigt "räkna med oss" och vi lär ju aldrig känna varandra heller. Men med "mitt barn" ser det ut att ha löst sig - nu hoppas jag ännu på uppehållstillstånd! kram!

Anna: jag får ett arvode enligt de timmar jag jobbar, men det heter att det får max vara två timmar per månad av "social kontakt" (förutom de officella uppdragen m.a.o.), så om jag t.ex bjuder hem någon är det för att jag själv vill det, får inte betalt för det. Men det mesta betalas. Vi borde på något sätt organsiera oss, vi som jobbar som företrädare, men det har itne hänt än...

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