söndag 15 maj 2011

1st of May

 D turned five on the fourth of May and I had a hard time finding a slot for his parties. The weekend before he was supposed to go to his dad's for one night and come home for the end celebration of this year's "musickindergarten" - once a week he has taken part in a musically focused hour together with kids his age. Just before we were going to leave on Friday to his dad's he suddenly got quite a high temperature and had to stay home. I was really relieved, I had worked on four articles for a personnel magazine + started as a substitute teacher in senior highschool (German) and was rather tired. I was glad to stay at home that evening. D fell asleep almost immediately and more or less slept until the next morning, when the fever was almost gone! So on Sunday  we participated in the first of May celebrations in "Uusikaarlepyy/Nykarleby" anyway. 

We have had a wind orchestra in Jeppo for more than 30 years now - I played for many years  when it was started. It has become a really professional one and a joy to listen to. It also gives a lot of  Jeppo children a fantastic opportunity to practise music and has been a platform for many into a career in music later on. On the first of May the orchestra always marches through the town of  Uusikaarlepyy  (20 kms from Jeppo, we're a part of  its municipality) and play at a small quaint café by the river. The men's choir and the children from music kindergarten sing as well - greeting spring and the sun :).  

D in the middle with blue hat. There was a cold wind, even if the sun was shining. As a single mum it's difficult to  both be  with my son and take photos....I'm glad his good friend L and her mum were there to keep him company while I was trying to make photo memories. 

D and his friend were among the youngest children participating -   and didn't do so much singing :). 

The church in Uusikaarlepyy in the background. 

The "graduation" (a bit too long for the small children, who had to sit and wait for a long time). D in white shirt  sitting on the stage closest to the camera.

I was really tired and didn't want to go to a place where children can ride a steamtrain afterwards (more or less part of the normal first-of-May program). I was really happy when we could go together with  L and her family for lunch instead. 

2 kommentarer:

heffamamman sa...

Kul att se bilder från Första maj firandet i Nkby. Alldeles för länge sen vi var där senast... För att inte tala om Emma-tåget i Kovjoki. Det är nog bara dottern som har fått åka med det. Vilket är himla synd.

Jemayá sa...

Jag hade tur - de åkte till Kovjoki från dagis några veckor efter :) :)