måndag 9 maj 2011


It's been intense. On Sunday (Mother's day in Finland) I could finally wind down. D's grandparents left in the morning (they had been here for two nights - first time in a year!) and then I had a whole day without anything planned. Since the weather was really nice, I decided to bring my mother outside, hoping it would cheer her up and also give her some energy. I have been worried about her, I think she might have something of a depression. No wonder, the minute she starts feeling a bit better, she ends up in hospital again. 

D's granddad made him this car  for his second birthday, if I remember correctly. 

D threw the ball at grandma - she is very seldom outside and he really enjoys it when she is. Last  summer she had to be goalkeeper for him :). 

Surprised :)

Unfortunately during the night the doorbell chimed - it hasn't done it in a long time, but I knew immediately where to go. The button is next to my mother's bed, in case she needs help during the night. She had slid onto the floor, was sitting with her back against the bed. Luckily enough she hadn't hurt herself, but it took some time before I was able to get her back into bed. She has no strength of her own, her knees can't take any bending or pressure, so I simply had to lift her and then roll her onto the bed. I'm surprised she didn't hurt herself. We didn't want it to happen again, so every time she needed to go to "her loo" (next to the bed) she rang the bell. I was also so shook up after the first ring, so I didn't sleep between one and four o'clock, so it was no problem to go downstairs two more times. I really thought this was it for her (sleepless in the middle of the night makes you imagine the worst possible scenarios), but she has been able to move around today. Her heart is really weak, but I've invited her cousin (her best friend) over tomorrow, so I really want her to be able to stay at home until that at least. They have been like sisters all their lives.

We've been here before, and she has managed to pull through, let's see if she manages it still one more time. Now I would have time to care for her better, but there is a limit to how much I can do for her. We just have to wait and see which direction things are going.

4 kommentarer:

Saltistjejen sa...

Å vilka fina bilder!! jag hoppas verkligen att hon hämtar sig. Men fy så läskigt att hon ramlade ur sängen. Kanske kan ni skaffa ett "räcke" till sängen??
Vilken jättefin bil också! D måste vara överlycklig för den!!

Jemayá sa...

Hon ramlade inte ur sängen, utan då hon var på väg tillbaka efter att ha varit på "påttan" (hon måste gå många gågner om natten), när hon skulle rätta till byxorna tappade hon balansen och "handtaget" jag monterat på sängen lossade. Ett helt räcke går inte, då skulle hon inte kunna ta sig ur själv och jag kan inte börja stiga upp på nätterna för att hjälpa henne. Var som en zombie i går, tack o lov klarade hon sig i natt - jag har sovit nästan tio timmar! Vaknade flera gånger och tänkte att jag måste gå ner och kolla att allt är ok, men orkade helt enkelt inte. Kanske det går ännu - jag har nu rätt lite jobb utanför hemmet, så jag kan hjälpa henne mera, så vi får hoppas hjärtat orkar. Kram!

Anonym sa...

My heart goes out to you, Ulla. Prayers for strenth and wisdom being said on your behalf! (Your Mom looks great in these pictures!)

Jemayá sa...

Thanks Julie! It's hard to time and time again fear the worst. I want to stay positive, but on the other hand want to be prepared when the end comes, maybe we won't be there yet this time either.