onsdag 21 februari 2007

Eager learner

D is so eager to practice moving about (still not moving forward, but in all other directions...) that he can hardly wait to wake up in the morning. I take him into bed for his first sip of milk around 5-6 (supposed to be after 6, but his stomach isn't so exact), but he has had a few mornings when he has had problems falling asleep again. Yesterday he was so cute when he woke up around 8, his head came up (he has now fallen asleep on his stomach a few times in the morning, has never happened before) and even if he could hardly keep them open, he started moving towards the books and magazines I have in the vacant space in my bed. I still get very tired in the afternoon, and if he doesn't sleep long, I take him into bed and he can "read" his books and play with his toys, while I rest beside him. Life has been calm for the past days, I'm pottering about at home. On Mondaynight I went to the gym for the first time in weeks (my back felt so much better the next morning!) - and D was at a friend's house meanwhile. This was the first time he was somewhere else without me (apart from the meetings with his dad) - it was a bit exciting (for me...), but he seems to have passed the stage when he is afraid of "strangers", so I thought it was ok for 1,5 hours. It'll probably be a bit easier to find babysitters when I can start taking him to their places, instead of everyone having to come to our house.

6 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Han vet hur man ska posera:)
Ha en bra dag!

Anonym sa...

D just keeps getting cuter and cuter by the day! I do hope that you are having paper photos made of these. They aren't that expensive and will last a lifetime. Your story reminds me of when I was a "stay-home" dad for the first few years after Niki was born. That was mainly because I was unemployed at the time so it worked well to be home with him. Anyway, both boys liked to "read" before they fell asleep. The times I would be tired in mid-afternoon would be spent on the bed during nap time. They loved to look at the Suomi-Finland Tiekartasto from cover to cover and back again until they just "fell" alseep. Those octagonal balls with the different shapes you put in through the matching holes are a great toy for this same kind of thing.

Annika sa...

He really is cute! Glad to hear that you had a good last couple of days! You sure deserve it.
Good with the gym as well.
It sounds like a good routine to bring him to bed with you when you are sleepy in the afternoons. He can just hang around, "reading" books or drift off to sleep himself. Have a good Thursday!!!

Anonym sa...

Ah vilken skönhet! Jag har också just varit på jumppa och det är nog viktigt för oss mammor att få träna lite så våra ryggar inte är helt färdiga! Lovis har lärt sig att sätta sig upp och sitta själv nu, det är så kul med framsteg. Funkar nätterna bra nu annars? De låter ganska lika som våra, hon somnar 8-9 och vaknar mellan halv 6 och halv 7 (tyvärr oftare tidigare än senare) och äter en slurk, sen sover hon till åttatiden. Jag är nöjd med våra nya rutiner, jag är fortfarande trött och har säkert massor med sömn att ta igen! Kram, sköt om er!

Anonym sa...

Gullunge! Bara det skulle bli varmare så att man kan gå uuuuut med dom, håller på att bli knasig på att sitta inne!!!

Jemayá sa...

Thanks Matt for the tip with the map :), good to know what literature to use :).

Malin: det låter faktiskt som om våra guldkorn har rätt lika rutiner! Fast Daniel kan inte sätta sig upp än, han är ganska stel i kroppen, kanske för att han ju är ganska lång. Nätterna är i regel bra nu, och min trötthet börjar lite släppa greppet.

Skönt när det inte är så kallt mera, så man kan göra något där ute också!