onsdag 15 augusti 2007

Clean ups

This guy to the left joined D in the garden, and was left on the stairs like this by him. Thought he looked a bit worn by the company of an eager 1, 3 year old :). "Reissussa rähjääntyy" they say in Finnish, "Travel wears you out", roughly translated, fits in very well with the doll.

Since the weather has finally been nice again, after all the rain, I've spent a lot of time in the garden, clearing a bigger space for table and chairs and moving plants about. I've also managed to (almost) finish three articles, so I'm fairly pleased with myself, it'll be a great relief to get a bit of extramoney. A few relationship issues in the air, old arguments, which haven't been resolved - feel a bit within like the guy in the corner, but try to stay calm and centered. Physical work helps! The grandparents will probably arrive for the weekend, and I'll take off for meditation on Saturday for the whole day. That'll be great right now!

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

What a really great picture! This is how I feel come Thursday afternoon ;-) The doll looks like it had done a lot of work in the garden. I can only imagine what D looked like :) Hope you get your relationship issues ironed out and that your weekend of meditation was a success!

Jemayá sa...

D looked ok, he had just dragged the poor doll through a few muddy pools, and then left it like this! The meditation was wonderful, thank you!