Saturday mummy took me in the car again to the place further away from home - I'm getting used to it now, so I took a nap on the way, but I was still tired when we reached the town were the "daddy"-person lives, so when I saw him outside the carwindow I started to cry. I knew he would take me away from mummy, and right then I didn't feel like it. But once we were inside the gate I forgot about mummy. I can't tell you what I did for the next four hours - that is a secret between me and the daddy person and his people, but it was great to see mummy again. She always has more things in the car when she picks me up again, don't know where she gets them and why - I think we have enough stuff at home, except for toys for me, but mummy complains that the whole house is a playground, but that is the way it's supposed to be, isn't it?! Anyway, we were both tired and a bit grumpy for the rest of the day, as usual. On Sunday a nice lady came to see us from a town called Tampere, she brought books and played a lot with me - mummy should learn a little bit more about how to play with kids, I think she lacks a bit of imagination in that aspect. It was so nice, but I became sooo tired - I slept for almost three hours. Strangly enough my mother seemed very happy about it, also grandma said it was very good so my mother could chat away with the nice lady. In the evening we watched Moomin with grandma, but when I got bored with them, I sneaked away - and since the gate at the stairs was open, I crawled up, since I heard mummy had company. It was the nice cowlady (she always says: what does the cow say? Moooooooooo) and the two men that wear important looking bags with them. Mummy said they were having a meeting and I should play with my elephant. I did that for a while, but then I wanted to take part in this meeting as well. When I had participated enough, mummy took me downstairs again...
On Monday mummy took off rather early, leaving me to eat porridge with grandma. I decided that wasn't nice and refused to eat even if grandma tried with jam and all kinds of things. But I had just had my bottle of milk and wasn't hungry - usually we read and do stuff with mummy before the breakfast, don't know why she had to go. She came back for lunch, though, and explained that she had been to a "meeting" in N-by, something to do with tv. In the afternoon when I woke up she was gone again! This is getting to be a bit worrying, why can't she stay home? But it wasn't too bad, the nice girl who has turned up every Monday for the past three weeks came to play with me again until mummy came back.
Today we had a nice day, mummy took the time to play with me and we also went outside in the afternoon, which we do most days. Mummy has, unfortunately, started to lock the door - I thought it was great when I had learnt to open it.
I still find it a bit hard not to try to taste all the interesting things you can find outside, but since I get a fright when mummy suddenly shouts out, I've almost stopped doing it now. In the evening I sat in the small round tub, when mummy had a shower, but I think it has shrunk, I can't fit in very well anymore. Still, I enjoyed pouring water over my head and then I managed to run out of the room before mummy managed to put clothes on me - I made it all the way to the kitchen, where grandma was very happy to see me with no clothes on. I think it's nice to run without diapers and clothes, even if it's beginning to be a bit cold on the floor. Tomorrow we're going to go play to the place with a lot of kids and mummies...mummy says I should write "mothers" instead, so there won't be any misunderstandings. I don't understand what she means. Anyway, have a nice day, y´all!
5 kommentarer:
Det verkar som om den lille D är busy, busy!! Massor att upptäcka...Inklusive hemlisar med the daddy person.
Åsså, Mumin som är så mysigt....
Kommer ihåg en gammal seriestrip med Marmaduke, den virrige grand danoisen: han hörde talas om en film som hette "The mummy returns" och såg för sin inre syn en hemmafru med förkläde och stekpanna i högsta hugg... :)
Roligt att höra D:s sida av saken ibland. Jag känner igen det där med en mamma som lite saknar fantasin när det gäller att leka...
Hej! Trollet här, min mamma är precis lika dålig på att leka, hon vill helst bara sitta still, booooring! Då är det bättre med mommo där jag är de flesta förmiddagarna, henne kan jag kommendera runt hur mycket som helst :) nästan...
Springa näck, det är grejar det! Mamma kallar det för "nackurun" nått motionslopp?!?
Ha det bra, mamma hälsar också :)
Heh heh, Soooo D's got a little Texan in him with that big y'all thing going on :) It would have been interesting to see all of those Mummy mummies. I bet they were really wrapped up in conversation. Ok ok, mums the word Haha. I'm stopping now.
Annika: jo, de tycks hinna med ett och annat, de små liven. Känns konstigt att han redan nu har delar av sitt liv som jag inte har något att göra med!
Katt: heheh, vi kan vara rätt skräckinjagande ibland, vi "mummies" :)
Nå hej Trollet! Jo, jag tycker mamma helt enkelt är lite lat, hon vill inte gräva i sandlådan, utan påstår att jag borde själv göra mina sandkakor. Men vad annat är mammor till för då, hon måste ju också aktivera sig lite!!
Matt: :)
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