tisdag 10 januari 2012


I'm rather useless as a playmate, don't have the patience to sit on the floor driving cars or tractors. Can't think of things to build out of toilet rolls. Get bored with games (except card games, but D has been such a bad loser so far, so we've just tried it a few times). But NOW we're getting into areas I'm more familiar with - writing :) 

Today I got good news as well - finished an article, which I wasn't sure I'd be paid for. Found out I will - and it's three columns-worth!! What a great way to start the work-year!!

Then we had sort of good news - D is not allergic to cats, for instance, but birch tree and a bit to "alder tree" (?  "al" in Swedish ), common trees here. At the beginning of summer/late spring he gets symptoms. Not straight away when the birch tree is in bloom, but eyes swelled up and he had a really blocked nose last summer at one point. I took him to the doctor then, but the test wasn't done until today.

Fia likes to spend time in our bathroom - the warmest room in the house :). 

Then a sad piece of news - I think my favorite rabbit, Olga, has been killed by a black tomcat that I saw this morning. I think he was responsible for killing Doris last winter. I've seen all the other three rabbits today, but not her, and she is usually always with her brother Leo. She was the darkbrown one with hanging ears and the only one who occasionally let me pat her. In other words, she was the most passive one and probably an easy prey :(. There has been occasions when I haven't seen one rabbit for a few days, so all hope isn't lost yet, but I fear the worst :(. 

ps next day. It WAS an entirely good day - Olga is also alive :). She probably was just hiding underneath the barn yesterday when it was cold. This morning she sat with Leo again like nothing had happened :) :). 

2 kommentarer:

Saltistjejen sa...

Vad roligt att D är intresserad av att skriva! :-) Och stort Grattis till artikeln! Härligt!! :-)
Det där med allergi är lite trixigt, men det finns väl antihistamintabletter han kan ta när det är som värst? Jag vet att vissa kan få sprutor också som ska vara lite längre.
Tråkigt med Olga men jag tror det är svårt att undvika att det händer. :-(
Kramar och God Fortsättning på det Nya Året!

Jemayá sa...

Jag har telefontid till läkaren nästa vecka, så får jag höra alternativen. Lutar mest åt att ta kontakt med en homeopat för att se om det finns milda ämnen i förebyggande syften. Och som du kanske märkte så lever Olga :) :). Paren kommer inte överens sinsemellan (suck!) så jag skulle vara mest lessen över att någon måste vara ensam, men tillsvidare är allt i sin ordning på kaninfronten :D. Kramar! Hoppas hinna kika in och se hur ni har det snart!!