söndag 29 november 2009

Birthdays etc

On Wednesday my mother turned 86. I hadn't invited anyone, have had a few busy weeks and have lost control of the household....but my cousin popped in (women down left) for a while, which was nice! Later we just had some cake, the three of us, which I think grandma enjoyed, she hasn't seen much of us lately...The day after another of my cousins had his birthday and D and I went to see him. So it was a few familyoriented days, which was really nice.

This weekend D is at his dad's again. I was exhausted on Friday after a week of many badly slept nights, but still dragged myself to the indoor swimmingpool in the city D's dad lives. I was a brand new person after swimming a bit, soaking in the bubble bath, getting my tense backmuscles relaxed by the "waterfalls" and then finishing it all with sauna. But I've still felt tired this weekend and even if there were plenty of things to do around the house, I've been superlazy. I got out of my pjs late in the afternoon yesterday (Sat), because I had to go to the grocery store, otherwise I would've spent the entire day in front of the computer or in bed reading a book. I slept 12 hours last night! I think this might be a record this decade! Even if I have been tired, I haven't been able to sleep later than normally in the mornings - this morning I simply closed my eyes again and kept on sleeping :). Wonderful!

I hope December will be calmer - with a nice balance between work at work and at home, time with D and friends and some exercise as well. D will only be parttime at daycare (five hourse a day) in December and January, which I think will be good for him. For me it means a bit more arranging, since I already know I'll need babysitters a few afternoons, but otherwise I think we'll have a few calmer months, which will really be nice. Hope y'all out there will have a really nice December!

4 kommentarer:

Saltistjejen sa...

Härliga foton!
Och kul att din mamma verkar vara så pigg nu ändå! Tänk 86 är verkligen ingen dålig ålder.

ulrika v sa...

Härlig december också till er alla! Och grattis till din mor. Fint att se henne så pigg.Och vad skönt att du kunde sova så! Längtar själv efter en god natts sömn, vi sover tyvärr alltför ryckigt hemma hos oss, men jag tänker att det blir nog bättre småningom, har inte orkat göra desto mer åt det. Och fint att du plumsade i bassängen, Också något jag längtar efter, men inte lyckats åstadkomma. Beundrar din kraft också när orken tryter!
Men afron tänker jag inte missa - hoppas vi ses där om en par veckor :) Sköna adventstider! Kram

Annika sa...

Vi ska hoppas att december blir en bra balans, håller med!
Vad roligt med mormors fdlsedag! Förstår att ni hade trevligt.

Jemayá sa...

Saltis: ja, vi får verkligen vara tacksamma över att hon ännu återfått sin styrka och vi får ha henne med oss. Dessutom klarar hon sig ensam under dagen, vilket gör allt så mycket lättare. kram!

Ulrika: Daniel har fortsatt sova oroligt denna vecka, men jag hoppas att det ska lugna ner sig då fullmånen är förbi...Hoppas samma sker hos er :). Jag siktar nog på Vasa då, men har brått tillbaka - julfest på kvällen i Jakobstad! kramar!

Annika: EFtersom jag bara får ha D i dagvård 5 timmar per dag nu, så "tvingas" jag helt enkelt ta det lugnare - jätteskönt! REdan nu första dagen orkade jag lite röja upp hemma och kände mig genast bättre! kramar!