torsdag 26 juli 2007

Moving forward

We have moved into a new phase - I have stopped breastfeeding (Saturday was the last time) and yesterday, for the first time, someone else but me put D to sleep. It went amazingly well - he fell asleep in five minutes!!! I was at a tapasparty in the nearly town and received the message that all went well. Of course I was happy about it, but part of me was also a bit sad, he didn't miss mummy at all :(!!!! Anyway, now I know it's not a problem, so if I only find babysitters, I can be away later at night as well. It was great to see people and eat nice food - so great that I forgot about the time - tack Barbro för att jag kunde göra det :).

3 kommentarer:

SaunaMatti sa...

Congratulations !! I just sent an email to you with an update on Tiina. You can also read it in my Blog. I also offered a friendly suggestion....I see I was a bit too late. Haha. But good to see that all is heading in that direction!

Anonym sa...

Tiderna förändras då barnen växer....jag slutade amma vid 7-8 månader och litet vemodigt kändes det - jaha, så var det kapitlet avslutat i mitt liv :-/ (planerar inga fler barn). Men ganska skönt också!

Vad bra att det funkar med läggandet även med andra än mamma(och nog är mamma alltid mamma ändå). Det tyder på att D är trygg i sig själv då han kan klara skivan fint även med andra!

hälsar Britt-Mari

Jemayá sa...

Thanks Matt for the advice - it's just not so easy to arrange just like that! But little by little we'll both get more independence.

Vad snällt sagt, Britt-Mari, tack!