Now I've also figured out I can stand on top of things to reach better. You'd think mummy would be proud, but no, she just sighed and started moving things even higher. I don't think it looks nice when everything is stacked on the highest shelf, but maybe that is just a matter of taste.
One thing I don't like is when mummy insists on sticking a brush into my mouth every evening, and sometimes even in the morning. I'd like to just suck the nice stuff from the brush, I really don't like any brushing inside my mouth, then I throw myself on the floor and shut my mouth tight. Lately I've been a bit busy playing with the running water from the tap, so mummy has managed to sneak in the brush. I heard another mother tell her to let me play with the water - that was a very smart mother.
A word I've heard a lot, and which I can say myself is "kakka" (=poo). I seem to be leaking "downstairs", but I don't quite understand it myself. Once I was pressing the buttons on the tv without any pants on, when something happened...suddenly there was a pile of stinking stuff just behind me. I ran to mummy who was in the toilet and pointed at the strange thing. She must've thought it was serious as well, judging by the speed with which she grabbed a cloth and wiped it up and kept saying "usch, kakka" when I wanted to touch it. She seems to say that word many times a day, and she doesn't seem to be too happy about it. I don't like it that much either, because sometimes it burns as well. I think mummy is rather upset about that at times, when she says my bum is red. She thought it was because of something I ate, but now she thinks it's because I have gotten so many teeth. This week my gum has been itching a lot, and I have to admit, I have been in a bad mood because of it. Then I throw myself on the floor when mummy doesn't let me have what I want, but it doesn't really work, because usually she lifts me into her lap and starts dancing around with me - then I forget what I was upset about, because I can't help giggling when she swirls around. And usually I'm in a good mood, if I'm not too tired or have a sore bum or gum.
The other day I was amazed at how fast grandma could actually move. I had gotten hold of her purse and had to run, because she was came after me so fast. But then she was out of breath as well. Mummy seems to have trouble lifting me up when she is lying in her bed. I think she should do some work-out, I like to play being an airplane.
We also go out most days, I especially like to sit in puddles after the rain. In the sandbox mummy complains that I should do the work myself. I don't see why, I like to look at her baking sandcakes for me, which I then can destroy. It's good for her to be active as well, I think. Well, that was a bit about what I've been up to lately. I'll let you know how I'm getting on again when I feel the time is right!
7 kommentarer:
Thanks for sharing Daniel, you have a wonderful way of expressing yourself! hugs from Katri
Very nice to hear about your thought again!
best wishes from Isabella
Härlig läsning!
Simply Wonderful! I hope you save this in hardcopy format for D to read many years from now. Sorry I have commented on earlier postings. I have read them though. Been busy with my own Blog and genealogy as well as fighting this nasty flu bug everyone is getting. Now Tiina is getting it and that is not good since her treatments are to begin on the 5th. Hopefully she will be better by then.
Hejsan D! Jag håller med dig om de flesta saker du skriver. Kunde inte ha sagt det bättre själv. Min mamma har också svårt att förstå att jag hjälper till att tvätta av skor och kläder ute i vattenpölarna. Lite tacksamhet borde dom väl visa? Jag tror att du och jag kunde hitta på mycket skoj tillsammans så lika som vi verkar vara! :) Hälsning Vilgot
Mamma hälsar
Hej D! Trollet här, oj vad jag skrattade gott, känner igen mig så i mycket av vad du skriver. Min mamma har samma problem med det där kakka, sen har jag kommit på en ny motionsform "nakurun" jag springer näck runt hela huset, helt underbart :) men mamma klagar på pölarna ?!?
Hej på er! Jag kan också skriva svenska :). Roligt att höra att ni gillar min text - mamma tycks också tycka att det är helt roligt sen efteråt, fast jag tycker hon kunde ha lite mera humor då saker och ting händer! Skulle vara kul att träffa er, Vilgot och Trollet, vi kunde jämföra erfarenheter och tipsa varandra på skojiga grejer! Men ha det så bra tills dess :)
h. D
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