tisdag 29 april 2008

Welcome Chicca!

In January 2005 I spent three weeks in Peru. I took also part in a three-day excursion to the jungle - we flew from Cusco to Maldonaldo and from there went by boat to a "village", where we stayed overnight and made trips into the surrounding jungle. It was great, except for the fact that I had caught a stomachbug the night before and had a high temperature for the first day. But I didn't miss any excursions, just slept like a log in between :). There I met a really nice family from Rome (the photos are theirs), on the third day we were the only ones in the group. Here in front of the "village" with some of the staff. Tomorrow Chicca, next to me with her son, is coming for a visit for four days! It'll be so great, we have kept in touch, but not seen each other since Peru!

This photo is at the airport in Maldonaldo, when we were going to fly back to Cusco. Note our "tattoos" on the arms :).

2 kommentarer:

Annika sa...

VAD KUL!! Är det första ggn i Finland? Hoppas ni har det jättekul. Var flitig med kameran, och så hoppas jag såklart att Österbotten bjuder på VACKERT väder!!

Jemayá sa...

Jo, det var första gången för henne - och jag har följt ditt råd :), kanske tack vare att du hoppades för oss, så blev det ju pangväder!