lördag 2 juni 2007

Busy even if not working!

Thought I'd put a picture of me and D for a change :). A friend sent this from Easter, when we visited her. D puts everything in his mouth, here it was a pen.

I've now finished the teaching, on Thursday was the last broadcast of the local tv until September, and I only have a few short articles left to write. So basically I feel like I'm on holiday - but I've been very busy lately! Partly because there has been things to write and think about for the village days in July, then there's tha garden, the house and of course - D!

In the second picture he helped me put up grandma's crocheted new curtains. He doesn't walk yet, but can stand without support - if he wants to. He seems to have gotten so many bumps on his head that he now is very cautious about falling. Which, of course, is a good thing.

He is with his dad now, for four hours for the first time. Feels like a long time! I went on a biketour around half the village with a friend, which was very nice. Today is graduation day, so there are many places to visit in the afternoon, haven't decided yet where to go. There are so many that I have to cut out at least one graduationparty.

Times flies by, but I feel good. Like to have a lot of small projects. And I think there will be a lot of guests in the summer as well I like that!! Welcome :)!

7 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Du mår bra o D ser så rar ut, man vill ju bara krama om honom!Katri

Anonym sa...

Voi vilka fina gardiner! Så underbart somriga. Och söt pojke förstås.

Annika sa...

Vilken fin bild av er två. och vilken fin bild på D i fönstret! Skönt att saker och ting verkar falla på plats. About time!!!

Jemayá sa...

Tack till er alla - jo, det känns jättebra nu. Och sommar är ju alltid sommar :)!

Anonym sa...

Läser inte ens din blogg regelbundet mera....suck. Men ännu har jag inte gett upp tanken på att vi nog ska träffas..snart!
Ha det bra!

Anonym sa...

Did your mother make those curtains or are they just new for her room? They are lovely!...and D is quite cute there. It almost looks as if he is saying, " let's go outside and play!"

Jemayá sa...

Ann-Marie: vi får leva på hoppet :). Jag hoppas på en social sommar, så vem vet, kanske vi också ska lyckas träffas!!

Matt: my mother has made them, and they are in my "office" upstairs - which will be cut in half to make room for d's room, hopefully in the summer. Crocheting is good for her hands, D likes to help her as well :). D had helped me wash the windows...:)