It's nice when mummy takes me into her bed in the daytime (she has started to do that also), there I can throw muself around, read Molly again and again (why does mummy sigh when I bring the book to her? We have only read it almost every day since last autumn!), hug my bears and the camel. For some strange reason mummy usually just lies there, and keeps saying "let's sleep now" - in the middle of the day?! Usually I obey her after some time, it's nice to fall asleep next to her. Strangely enough, she usually sneaks away, but then I usually wake up and shout for her to get back. I've heard her complain that she doesn't get anything done anymore, but that hasn't anything to do with me, has it?! I always try to help her when I'm awake.
In the evening I also want her to be there when I go to sleep, after having had a good time in her bed, maybe jumping around in my bed first, until she lifts me into hers. If she tries to watch tv, I just keep pressing all the buttons. That is a fun game when she gets up and lifts me into her lap. Then I just crawl down to the floor and head for the buttons again. Once in a while I'm so tired I ignore the telly and just fall asleep at her breast, but then I have to be really tired, otherwise I insist on her coming to bed with me. I think it's good for her to go to sleep early.
I think mummy has looked a bit worn lately. She seems to get nervous at me for no reason - socks are there to be taken off and I can't help if I poo many times a day, preferably in a clean diaper. And who has time to stand or lie there to have a diaper changed?! So much to see and learn, have to do research all the time. In the night I think mummy wakes up when I have bad dreams or tummy/teeth aches. It's nice when she takes me into her bed, I think I'll start to wake up sooner and sooner, maybe soon I can sleep all night next to her. I think she has started to have ideas about moving me into my own room (which is not even ready yet, she has said that someone is going to put up a wall later in the summer and make me a room). I don't know if I want that, I want to be with mummy all the time. Why would she want to read a stupid paper every morning, when she could play with me? And then she tries to sneak off upstairs, I think to the machine with all the lovely buttons and chords - grandma usully tries to distract me with my toys, but I notice it all the time and crawl to the stairs and shout "uh" after her. I don't want to say "mummy", because she seems to understand "uh" just as well.
Last night I had a really sore bum, I kept crying in the evening, but mummy and grandma just thought I was too tired. Who wouldn't cry with a burning bum?! I think mummy felt bad once she noticed it was because she had given me new potatoes, even if she knew she wasn't supposed to last summer. Maybe she thought I was big enough this year, but I think she should stop, I woke up in the night, because it burned so, and this morning I was very cranky as well. It's a pity I can't eat the same things mummy and grandma - it looks so good, I always try to grab whatever they are eating. If I'm lucky something has dropped on the floor, I always taste everything I find on the floor. Mummy seems to get a bit nervous about it, but why does she keep it lying there then?
I think she hasn't been in the best of moods lately. It was a bit better in the weekend when I was with daddy and then we went to a party on Sunday. It's almost like she needs to have a bit of time away from me sometime, and see other people! Maybe it has been good for her to go away to have a person press her muscles on the back and in the arms and neck. This morning she put me on the thing with a little needle that moves, and it pointed at over 10 kilos. She claims I'm getting heavy to carry! She should exercise more and stretch! She says she gets tired when she never knows when she'll have a bit of time in the daytime to do chores or rest - that's not my fault, I don't want to sleep when I'm told, I want to decide myself when I'm ready to go to sleep.
10 kommentarer:
Hej! Fantastiskt att läsa D's tankar! Har inte haft så roligt på länge. Glada hälsningar från Isabella
Härligt! Fick mej att tänka på filmerna "Look who´s talking" etc.
Ha det bra! Katri
Bravo! About time the little ones speak up ;-) Very well written. I can see he is going to take after his mommy! ;-)
No niin, tämä on kai se syy miksi lapset pitäisi tehdä nuorena!? Nuoret jaksaa vähemmällä unella.
Yritähän jaksaa äläkä hermoile (helppo sanoa, tiedän; huomasin kyllä, että itsellänikin on 'musta-aukko' muistissa lasten vauvavuosilta)
T:) Auli
så nu har ja tittat lite på din sida, fina bilder av D :) han e så mysig! roligt att träffas i kväll, god mat! ta hand om er! / nina
Härligt skrivet!! Man blir så glad då man läser det :-)! En riktigt trevlig midsommarhelg önskar jag er!
Härlig story av D :)Känner igen mycket från livet med Stella. Hon börjar också bli tung tycker jag, väger nästan 9 kilo, lite mindre än Daniel. Hälsn. Sanna
TAck alla, thank you all! Jag ska vidarebefodra till D att ni gillade hans tankar :) - I'll tell D you liked his thoughts!
Auli: eiköhän nuoretkin äidit joskus väsy...?
hmm.. jag undrar hur ung amn borde vara då? tycker att jag är konstant trött jag med. Och nerverna håller ju inte så bra då nej. men du hade skrivit en härlig text och jag känner igen så mycket! visst kan det vara tungt men nog måste man ju erkänna att det är urhärligt samtidigt! Kämpa på och hoppas ni får en skön midsommar!
Det var jag som skrev det tidigare inlägget. glömde visst namnet! :)
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