lördag 13 december 2008

Spiritual classes with Oprah and Tolle

I read on Karen Bishop's homepage about us sometimes being stopped by for instance illness in order for us to take the time to listen, to have the quiet time needed for reflection. That is a comforting thought for myself being so frustrated with all the colds I've experienced this year. Especially today it makes sense to think that way. I had plans (D is at his father's), but "capitulated" to my not feeling well. It means I have not really done anything "useful" (in the traditional sense of the word: cleaned the house, painted D's wall etc etc) but instead given myself leave to just take it easy, write emails, catch up on blogs, read the paper, watch a skicompetition with my mother, sleep! I finally managed to sleep in the daytime - and I slept for three hours!! Was completely groggy for a long time after I woke up, but I think I really needed it.

Tonight I remembered a link that I received some time ago. I've read Eckhard Tolle's book "A New Earth". It is really a very profound book, not necessarily easy to read, especially not in the beginning. It wasn't possible to read it in one go, it needed thought and time. A friend suggested I have a look at Oprah's homepage. She has had this book in her bookclub and created classes, which consist of discussions with Eckhard Tolle and viewer's questions (live on Skype!). Tonight I listened to class number one on the computer. Many times I felt so grateful for this medium - I've missed having people to speak with about spiritual things. In Helsinki there were opportunities to listen to lectures, join meditation groups etc, here in the countryside it's much more limited, of course. To my surprise when I moved here, there were people here as well interested in the same things as me, but my present situation doesn't really allow me to meet with people very often. To now have the opportunity to listen in on this discussion was wonderful.

If you are interested, I can warmly recommend Oprah's homepage (click on this link and it should take you straight to info about the book etc). I hope you all had a wonderful weekend, whatever form it took :).

3 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Samma tankar har jag haft...3/4 av familjen har nu angina och den 4 svinkoppor...Att föräldrarna fick nu och på samma gång var nog alldeles "nödvändigt" så fick vi faktiskt en riktigt slapp dag....Visst har jag lagt i tvättmaskinen (man känner ju sig så duktig då) men jag har inte hängt upp tvätten...men annars inte så mkt.

Barnens julfestkläder är oköpta och julfesten närmar sig men...nu just kan vi inget åt det. Tänk va bra egentligen om man riktigt funderar efter....(alltså att man bara måste släppa allt för en stund)

Du verkar ha haft alldeles onödigt många sjukdagar nu så jag hoppas verkligen det ger med sig. Men onekligen är det bra med en dag utan program och jättebra att du sov! Det gjorde jag också!

Krya på dig och sköt om dig!

Anonym sa...

Jättefina bilder i förra inlägget...

Jemayá sa...

Tack Ann-Marie. Det lönar sig att "ställa om sig", det blir ju inte bättre av att hetsa upp sig för något man inte kan rå över. Nu på söndag känner jag mig mycket bättre, men har inte gjort mycket i dag heller. Hoppas att ja gi mrogon ska känna mig "normal" igen, hoppas ni också tillfrisknat i helgen! Ha det så bra!