tisdag 23 september 2008


Finland (and many countries of the world) seem to be filled with angry young men. Again there has been a shooting, this time not far away from where I live (maybe 2 hours away). Again at least nine young people have had their life ended by a disturbed young man. They just said on the news that he had published a video on Friday, the police had questioned him yesterday, but "seen no reason to withdraw his gunlicense or take his gun into possession". In the old days men made up their differences with their fists, man against man. What has happended when these youngsters think they have the right to end other people's lives, to cause sorrow for their families, disrupt the lives of many, many, who will be touched by these tragedies. Something is seriously wrong in our societies. Somehow the basis of community has crumbled, more and more people are lonely, frosen out, being made to feel inferior. Old people in their institutions, children in their, and the middle aged working, working, working - if they have the privilege to have a job. Or is it a privilege? Balance is so hard to find. The young people are the ones now who live out the anxiety of society; who suffer. I'm so sorry this happened again. I'm so sorry for the families of the students in Kauhajoki.

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