torsdag 2 april 2009

More positive!

For a change I'll write in English, now that I have received comments in English as well :). I've noticed I've become a bit lazy with English, don't find words as easily as before and then it's quicker to simply write in Swedish. I've also noticed my spelling and grammar isn't what it used to be, but in a way it's a relief, as a teacher part of my job was to hunt for mistakes and point them out, now I actually enjoy letting mistakes slip through :).

It's been a busy week again - and you can tell from my house. I'm so glad I now have two days to try to catch up with housework and relax a bit. My mother came home last night and is now staying for several days. Last Friday I was in a bit of a panic, I was so tired and felt I wouldn't be able to cope with the added work taking care of her would be. But a weekend of rest did miracles, and an ayurveda massage (thanks BM :) on Tuesday with an added bonus of a chance to get things off my chest also calmed me down.

This time I'm determined not to help my mother so much, but see how much she can actually do on her own. I didn't have to go down to help her at all during the night(butD sleeps really restlessly these days, so was woken up many times anyway) and in the morning she managed to get to the toilet and get dressed without my help. So I feel much more positive about her being here. In fact it also was a help for me - last night I sneeked up to the computer when D and my mother were watching children's programs, had some time in front of the computer, lovely :). I feel she could stay home permanently now, but she feels she wants to go back on Sunday for final tests and see if she has improved or deteriorated while being home. As long as she doesn't stumble and fall I'm sure she is going to get a bit better still while home. D goes to his dad on Saturday, but I have work Saturday night and Sunday, so that won't be much of a rest. That's why I now feel I can take it easier with a good conscience :). And the sun is shining outside - life is actually quite good at the moment :).

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Anxious to hear how it is going with you mother. It sounds like her visit was good and she is being responsible and not trying to put too much on you!

Jemayá sa...

She is actually home "for good" now. It looks promising, we're getting into new habits and they seem to be working out ok for everyone!